Telecom and Informatics 1 CBSE – Reasons for use CBSE - Visions for research Dr. Arne J. Berre SINTEF Telecom and Informatics e.mail:
Telecom and Informatics 2 CBSE visions CBSE as an approach to software development should aim at: embracing the opportunities offered by new technologies in the delivery and deployment of software systems; encourage reuse of core functionality across applications; enable flexible upgrade and replacement of pieces of a system whether developed in-house, by third parties, or purchased off-the-shelf; encapsulate the best practices of organizations in a way that allows them to be replaced in the face of a variety of different change scenarios.
Telecom and Informatics 3 CBSE – Reasons for use ! Business benefits and CBSE Time to market; reduced costs; Protect and capitalise investment in legacy systems; Reduce maintenance costs, releasing resources to focus on new business need ‘Fitness for business purpose’ of components is shown through clear interfaces; Corporate consistency and development of intellectual capital. This particular applies when the components adopted are developed internally by the organisation; Reduce cost in migration path to future technology; Scale business up smoothly to exploit new opportunities, in key niche areas; Respond to business needs efficiently at peak demand times; Leverage software market opportunities for business advantage; Respond to business process and workflow change; Response to fundamental business change including mergers and take-overs and virtual enterprises
Telecom and Informatics 4 Business domain visions for research The component concept represents an excellent solution for providing a meeting point between technology and business. By defining a component as an encapsulated concept, clearly delimited from the environment, with specific roles and behaviour in the domain, with hidden interior and exposed functionality through services and interfaces, it can be easily understood by both business a technology people as it enables business analysts and managers to model business processes and requirements at a higher-level, in a domain- specific, but implementation-independent way. application developers to retain control over how their models are turned into complete applications using advanced component-based technology infrastructure.
Telecom and Informatics 5 COMBINING Business and Technology Current CBD methods and approaches to enterprise system development tend to consider business and technology issues separately, which leads to unsatisfactory results from both viewpoints. Therefore, a component-based approach to system development is required, covering all aspects of enterprise-scale, data-intensive applications in integrated and consistent manner. Such integrated solutions should provide a total system specification, from concept to deployment, through business, information, application and technology issues, using component-based principles.
Telecom and Informatics 6 The Component ERP But: Ref. Experiences with OMG General Ledger and ARAP services/ components -little vendor interest -Ref. GIS standard experiences
Telecom and Informatics 7 Key visions to achieve in component based development of e-business systems Interoperability as a critical enabler for the development of next generation e-business systems supported through relevant frameworks and standards Development methodologies for e-business applications Computational business process components which model, support and execute business process activities within an organization, and can also interconnect and coordinate business processes across organizations, such as to support inter-organizational workflow Intelligent agents as part of component technologies Database support for component based e-business
Telecom and Informatics 8 Vision for next generation business systems (1/2) Total system specification, from concept to deployment, through business, information, application and technology issues, using component-based principles. Accessibility and interoperability : the system should be able to run on any platforms and be deployed through any devices. Applications running on different devices or located on different servers should be able to communicate and share functions with each other easily. Flexibility: business systems must be more flexible and easier to customise. This will lead to a specialisation in the software market in terms of middleware and different business applications, production of components with standardised interfaces. This will enable organisations to choose the best components from the market and customise them into application that suit their business processes. This will lead to higher software quality and shorter development cycles.
Telecom and Informatics 9 Vision for next generation business systems (2/2) Adaptability : systems must be adaptable to change so as to support the underlying business model in an organisation. The open architecture approach enables the co-operation of applications developed at different times and by different vendors, and changes are handled by plugging new components, or replacing existing components with better one. Intelligence and real-time processing : the use of software agents to monitor business operations, collect information, and real-time information analysis are key to effective and efficient decision-making
Telecom and Informatics 10 Move towards Service Oriented Architectures The Software as a Service model changes not only the delivery of software but also its development, as applications are conceived from the ground up as being a network-run application. The current step is the model promulgated today, Web Services. On the one end of industry opinion, Web Services can be defined as simply providing software as a service. On the other end, they are robust software products that integrate fully with one another providing seamless connectivity across business processes.
Telecom and Informatics 11 Visions to achieve – Trusted Components Trusted components are reusable software components equipped with a guarantee of quality and security. The hope has arisen that an extensive effort to develop trusted components could bring a major boost to the general state of software engineering, as it would provide a solid basis on which to develop business systems, and receive the cost of building the components through the benefits of their large-scale reuse.
Telecom and Informatics 12 Component certification Component certification is a method to ensure that software components conform to well-defined standards; based on this certification, trusted assemblies of components can be constructed. Whether a small component vendor or large business, the components’ vendor and customer will eventually include third-party certification through negotiation and contract. The larger the component customer, the more likely the customer will successfully demand third-party certification
Telecom and Informatics 13 Composition and Quality of service Building scalable, predictable, and composable distributed software systems is one of the fundamental challenges for software development today. In distributed business systems that incorporate a wide range of system parameters (e.g., fast and slow computers as well as fast and slow networks), this goal seems nearly impossible. Given the variety of these systems and the wide range of their capabilities, it is also difficult to provide Quality of Service (QoS) across an enterprise
Telecom and Informatics 14 Dependability and composition Current architecting practices for dependable distributed real-time business systems have, a number of significant shortcomings with respect to composition. Among the most important are that descriptions of these architectures mainly focus on the functionality and structure of the system and do not adequately deal with dynamic aspects and non-functional constraints. As business systems become more complex, it is, however, important to restrict the behaviour to certain well-defined and understood methods. The explicit treatment of the dependability requirements from the architecting phase onward is a prerequisite for predictability and composition
Telecom and Informatics 15 Finance domain visions for research A new approach to customisation and integration can be seen in the Financial Industry. The most significant initiatives are leading to the acceptance of a component-based approach and the adoption of a value chain perspective in the development of financial business solutions. The idea of reducing the effort in EAI initiative through the employment of just-enough integration and customisation is emerging in financial services with the adoption of component based software offering. This is a relatively new approach for this industry, even if the CBSE is not a new practice. The need for integration can be reduced with the adoption of plug-and-play components.
Telecom and Informatics 16 GIS domain visions for research Be able to have “Plug and Play” of new and existing components and services – for multiple platforms and with multiple providers Need for methodologies and tools/environments for the platform independent specification of components/services, with consistent mapping/transformation to platform specific implementations/specifications.
Telecom and Informatics 17 GIS – from standard platform specific components to standard platform independent, and model-based services GIS is a domain of increasing activity and use (location services) ISO/TC211 and Open GIS have worked on standard models and components for GIS since 1995 First towards platform specific components in COM/OLE and CORBA and SQL Then towards (web) services and service oriented architecture Now with a merge between the platform independent, model- based approach of ISO/TC211 and the platform specific, implementation oriented approach of Open GIS (See )
Telecom and Informatics 18 Simulation domain visions for research Establishment of standars Simulation architectures (I.e. ref. High Level Architecture, HLA) Future design environments will be web browser based, heterogeneous systems with access to a variety of simulation models for interactive and batch oriented device design and optimisation. Within such an environment data can be analysed and shared. It is very important to integrate the simulation packages with other applications like CAD systems. In embedded systems during the building of the system - simulations are contained to prove the capability of the system. Simula: The first object-oriented programming language was developed for Simulation
Telecom and Informatics 19 Telecom domain visions for research Newly built and designed systems or reengineered existing systems will be middleware based on a distributed architecture, that should have compliance with relevant existing standards from both the IT domain, J2EE, CORBA, Microsoft.Net, MDA and the telecom domain, ITU, ETSI, Parlay. These architectures should have richness of features but introduced only according to demand. The scalability of middleware services and infrastructure must be supported, but actual scaling according only to demand. Similarly there needs to be flexible in terms of number of instances of services and server, products from different vendors, and connectivity with 3 rd parties external to the operators organisation. The tools to create and deploy these services must support different viewpoints, so that all involved parties are able to communicate their needs and requirements on a common ground. COTS + repositories used for publishing interfaces
Telecom and Informatics 20 COTS visions for research Processes and methods for developing COTS based based systems Economic aspects related to the use of COTS Change management (experience transfer from other fields) Identification, classification and characterisation of COTS components Unified COTS related legislation in Europe, balancing the protection of IPT and the need to use common software platforms to guarantee interoperability
Telecom and Informatics 21 CBSE - Common Visions for research Component specifications, MDA – Model Driven Architecture, High level methods – systems design and integration (MDA – Model Driven Architecure), addressing non-functional aspects, autonomy and composability Modular customisable development environments supporting evolving processes, consistency and traceability Standardisation of Components – Multiple providers – agreement through standardisation process (requires involvement of large users/ user groups ?) User driven (financed), domain specific service and component specification (ref. Open GIS) Product line based frameworks and components SBSE – Service Based Software Engineering (Service Oriented Architectures)
Telecom and Informatics 22 Common Visions for research Trusted Components Certified Components – Tested components Specification and verification techniques – component behaviour according to specification Tool support for specification and verification Intellectual property rights, licensing and marketing CBSE and dependability – Trust QoS-supporting component infrastructure and Trusted Components with Quality of Service
Telecom and Informatics 23 Work groups – Day 2 Requirements Engineering/ Specification Design / Architecture, MDA – Model Driven Architecture Composition and Adaptability Verification and Testing Non functional aspects, Quality of Service Management, Legal,.. More on Process, Trust/Dependability from day 1 ?