Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution Land Use Update – Video Seminar Series (Fiscal Impact of Development) Thursday September 14, 2006 Robert McCormick, Project Leader for the Planning With POWER Project at Purdue
Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution. Resources for Fiscal Impacts of Development (Costs of Community Services Studies) American Farmland Trust 2002 Cost of Community Services Studies: Making the Case for Conservation (83 COCS studies in 19 states) Costs and Benefits of Metropolitan Growth – Dr. Robert Burchell, Rutgers University, October 2001 and Sprawl Costs, 2005 Dr. Larry DeBoer, Purdue Agricultural Economics Department (several Indiana studies)
Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution. Resources for Fiscal Impacts of Development (Costs of Community Services Studies), con’t Most of the studies reveal that farmland, open space, and natural resource areas have a positive fiscal impact to communities (require less costs in services in relation to tax revenue generated).
Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution. For more information on Planning with POWER, including publications, activities and upcoming events, or to schedule a program contact: Bob McCormick (765) Marsteller Forestry and Natural Resources West Lafayette, IN Fax: Contact Information