Drawings of some cells:(a)an osteocyte (bone cell), (b)a sperm, (c)a pancreatic and (d)a neuron (nerve cell)


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Presentation transcript:

Drawings of some cells:(a)an osteocyte (bone cell), (b)a sperm, (c)a pancreatic and (d)a neuron (nerve cell)

A schematic diagram of an animal cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles

Figure 4 A drawing of a plant cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles.

Scale drawings of some prokaryotic cells

A schematic diagram of a prokaryotic cell

An evolutionary tree indicating the lines of cellular life on earth

受精卵全能細胞 多功能幹細胞 胚胎 嬰兒 Gearhart 博士所提取之 原始生殖細胞 實驗室培養 多功能幹細胞 Thomson 博士所提取之 多功能幹細胞

全能細胞 多功能幹細胞 血液幹細胞 其他幹細胞 紅血球白血球血小板