Ceng 476 Projects 2007
Projects Project TitleProject No.# Groups#Persons/Group Migros Şok Market12 2 PTT222 Cafeteria Students Section322 Cafeteria Staff Section422 Library Reference Section522 Health Center Polyclinic622 Health Center Laboratory722 İş Bank822 Pizza Hut922 Campus Stationary (Kırtasiye)1022 Campus Photocopy Center1122
What To Do Next Each project group is identified by project number and group (1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, etc.) Each project group is identified by project number and group (1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, etc.) Each group is formed by 2 members as shown on the previous slide. Select your group members and a project leader (Form a team) Each group is formed by 2 members as shown on the previous slide. Select your group members and a project leader (Form a team) Project leader should send me an containing the project group name, group members and the task for each group member – see the next slide (Until 9’th November 2007) Project leader should send me an containing the project group name, group members and the task for each group member – see the next slide (Until 9’th November 2007)
Basic Activities of the Project Collect data Develop and implement the model Production runs Write the report Task for the group: identify the tasks and assign the tasks for each group member
Collect Data This activity is the most important of all Study the system to find out the activities and collect data by observing the system at different times (at least two different time periods). Collect both input and output data for validation purposes Try to fit the raw data to a known distribution (such as exponential, uniform, etc.)
Develop and Implement the Model Design and implement the model using the SIMDL DOS version. Design and implement the model using the SIMDL DOS version. Validate and verify the model using the data collected from observations Validate and verify the model using the data collected from observations Run the model with distributions closest to your collected data if you could not fit your raw data to a probability distribution function. For example, you may use an exponential distribution for interarrival and service times as a good choice Run the model with distributions closest to your collected data if you could not fit your raw data to a probability distribution function. For example, you may use an exponential distribution for interarrival and service times as a good choice
Production Runs Design at least two experiments to test the model's responsiveness to parameter changes Design at least two experiments to test the model's responsiveness to parameter changes For example, if the model develops a queue with large waiting times, the experiment could be the change in server numbers to see the effect of this parameter change in waiting times. For example, if the model develops a queue with large waiting times, the experiment could be the change in server numbers to see the effect of this parameter change in waiting times.
Report Outline Title Page Title Page Project Title Project Title RIGHT UPPER CORNER : PROJECT NUMBER (1-1, 5-2, etc.) RIGHT UPPER CORNER : PROJECT NUMBER (1-1, 5-2, etc.) Contents Contents 1. Project description 2. Group members and task assignments 3. Your approach in model design 4. Data collected from observations and its interpretation 5. Model program 6. Discussion based on the behavior of your model (including the validation of input statistics and the outputs which you think as important) – original outputs must also be supplied here
Contents (Cont.) 7. Experiments (at least two) 8. Discussion of Experiments including the original outputs from your model 9. Conclusion: A table of the below form is recommended to tabulate the results. The value number is a reference number to the original outputs in sections 6 and 8 Value # Value Description First Run Experiment 1 Experiment n 1 Customer mean queue length Maximum number of customers Etc.. 4Etc.. 5Etc..
Submission The grading of the first report is: model %60, report %40. The grading of the first report is: model %60, report %40. Return me a hard copy of your report including your model program. The right upper corner on the first page of your report should have the project number and group number written big and bold. Return me a hard copy of your report including your model program. The right upper corner on the first page of your report should have the project number and group number written big and bold. The model program should also be submitted by as a text file MAIL ATTACHMENT. The model program should also be submitted by as a text file MAIL ATTACHMENT. Please use the following convention as your file name: Please use the following convention as your file name: P -.sim E.g. P10-1.sim THE DEADLINE of submission is November 21, THE DEADLINE of submission is November 21, 2007.
Feedback If your model does not work properly or contains design/implementation errors you will be asked to correct it. In this case you will get a lower grade. If your model does not work properly or contains design/implementation errors you will be asked to correct it. In this case you will get a lower grade. I will return my feedbacks individually I will return my feedbacks individually
Next You will be asked to implement the same model using GPSS as your next task You will be asked to implement the same model using GPSS as your next task Do not forget that the deadline for the GPSS report is 12’th December 2007 Do not forget that the deadline for the GPSS report is 12’th December 2007