Finnish language core curricula Collaborative R&D Project Raili Hildén University of Helsinki, Finland
Background New core curricula for language education 2003/2004 Content cathegories related to the CEFR CEFR scales > illustrative scales for defining target levels of language proficiency in general school education
+ Overall/crosscurricular aims of school education
Background Need to bring together systematic goal descriptions and the idea of language education as a modification process of culturally determined identity (good classroom and field practices ) Need to monitor the implementation of the goals Long-term needs related to promoting oral proficiency and developing assessment procedures
Theoretical foundations Communicative language study (= teaching & learning) for intercultural competence and personal growth of identity Competences as presented in the CEFR Sociocultural theories Task-based language teaching Learner autonomy & European Language Portfolio (ELP) Teacher´s professional development
Aim of the project 1 IINTERNATIONAL LEVEL (UN, EU) NATIONAL LEVEL COMMUNITIES INSTITUTIONS CLASSROOMS Mediational activities & resources P O W E R C U L T U R E reproduction Macro level Micro level COMMUNICATION TASKS
Communicative language competences General competences Task phases and processes III Reflection Assessment Awareness Authenticity Autonomy Declarative knowledge Skills and know-howLearning to learn Linguistic competences Pragmatic competences Sosiolingvistic competences Teacher professional growth Development of student identity Society and cultural context I Planning: Goals intentions II Task implementation Interpretation > Activity CURRICULUM Teaching-studying-learning Existential competence
Properties of a type task in OSKU (integrating TBLT, Sociocultural theory (Lantolf & Thorne 2006), Experiental learning (van Lier 1996; Kohonen 2000) and theories of motivation (Dörnyei 2002) Type task as a dynamic unit for planning, implementing and assessing teaching and studying the primacy of language use and meaning in contrast to form (authenticity, motivation) focus on real-life language use (authenticity, motivation)
Properties of a type task in OSKU (integrating TBLT, Sociocultural theory (Lantolf & Thorne 2006), Experiental learning (van Lier 1996; Kohonen 2000) and theories of motivation (Dörnyei 2002) focus on one of the four linguistic skills or their combination call for multiple levels of cognitive processing (corresponding real-life situations) (authenticity)
Properties of a type task in OSKU (integrating TBLT, Sociocultural theory (Lantolf & Thorne 2006), Experiental learning (van Lier 1996; Kohonen 2000) and theories of motivation (Dörnyei 2002) opportunity of reaching shared agency and receiving scaffolding from experts and peers (autonomy, authenticity) clearly defined communicative goal (awareness)
Properties of a type task in OSKU (integrating TBLT, Sociocultural theory (Lantolf & Thorne 2006), Experiental learning (van Lier 1996; Kohonen 2000) and theories of motivation (Dörnyei 2002) enables reflection on process and outcome (autonomy, awareness) possibilities for student choice and interpretations in putting the blueprint into practice (autonomy)
Overview of research questions How are the goals percieved /interpreted by teacher educators, pre-service student teachers, teachers, students? What classroom practices are trialed to promote the attainment of the goals? What classroom practices are trialed to promote the attainment of the goals? To what extent are the goals attained? How could the curricula be improved in the next round?
Research problems Problems and questions are guided by the curriculum and consonant to its goals Detailed reseach questions will be determined by the teachers/practioners and researchers in line with their personal interests See the Handout
Elements to be considered in planning, action and reflection Competences:LinguisticstrategicgeneralAuthenticity: of learning context of purpose commitment to interaction
Elements to be considered in planning, action and reflection Autonomy Strategy use Freedom of Choice Control Ownership and voice
Elements to be considered in planning, action and reflection Awareness:affectivesocialcognitive performance related
Elements to be considered in planning, action and reflection Motivational orientation (at various phases) Reflection:Self-assessment Peer assessment RetrospectionMetareflection
Method: Action research Integration of theory and practice The twin goal of AR: Improving practice and transform ways of doing Nurturing theory grounded in practice Zeicher, K Educational Action Reseach. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.) Handbook of Action Reseach. Participative Inquiry and Practice. SAGE, )
INTERNALIZATION>REPRODUCTION EXTERNALIZATION > TRANSFORMATION 1.Socializing and training to become competent In the activity as it is routinely carried out 2. Discrete individual innovations 3. Critical self-reflection on disruptions and contradictions 4. Search for solutions to contradictions 5. A new model for the activity is designed and implemented 6. A new model stabilizes Itself to be internalised in Its inherent ways and means
The project as activity system SUBJECTS SUBJECTS: Teachers/sutdent teachers Pupils/students Coordinators Researchers MEDIATING CULTURAL ARTIFACTS: Language curricula, learning materials, technology, Meetings, seminars OBJECT: Goals of language education COMMUNITY: Language educators Researches RULES: Laws, rules, Ethical conventions DIVISION OF LABOUR: Teachers teach Students study Research investigate Vygotsky 1978 Engeström 1999
Methods of inquiery 1
Method of inquiry 2
Practioners and researchers coming together
Envisaged outputs
Products Teaching resources
Aim of the project 2 INTERNATIONAL LEVEL NATIONAL LEVEL COMMUNITIES INSTITUTIONS CLASSROOMS Mediational activities & resources P O W E R C U L T U R E reproduction transformation Macro level Micro level COMMUNICATION TASKS
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