Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Task 6.1 Prioritize the Geographic Planning Areas.


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Presentation transcript:

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Task 6.1 Prioritize the Geographic Planning Areas Task 6.2 Match mitigation strategies to Geographic Planning Areas Task 6.3 Formulate selection criteria Task 6.4 Formulate mitigation policies to carry out selected strategies 6.4 (a) Formulate policies for each Geographic Planning Area (Worksheet #5) 6.4 (b) Prepare a policy summary for the entire community (Worksheet #5A) Task 6.5 Organize Policies according to function Tasks in Step Six: Formulate Mitigation Policies Slide 41.1

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Create a list of the Geographic Planning Areas in order of their urgency: Number of people at risk Local property tax base Critical facilities Hazard type, probability and estimated magnitude Task 6.1: Prioritize the Geographic Planning Areas Slide 41.2

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Planning Zoning/subdivision Open space preservation Floodplain regulations Stormwater management Drainage system maintenance Capital improvement programs Shoreline setbacks Mitigation Strategy #1: Prevention Slide 41.3

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Relocation Acquisition Building elevation Critical facilities protection Windproofing Floodproofing Sewer Backup protection Insurance Seismic retrofit Safe rooms Mitigation Strategy #2: Property Protection Slide 41.4

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Floodplain protection Beach and dune preservation Riparian buffers Fire resistant landscaping Fuel breaks Erosion/sediment control Wetland preservation/restoration Habitat preservation Slope stabilization Mitigation Strategy #3: Natural Resource Protection Slide 41.5

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Reservoirs/retention pools Levees/floodwalls Seawalls/groins/jetties Bulkheads Revetments Berms Diversions/channel modification Beach nourishment Storm sewers Mitigation Strategy #4: Structural Projects Slide 41.6

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Outreach projects Media events Hazard map information Real estate disclosure Warnings systems Library Technical assistance School children education Mitigation Strategy #5: Public Information Slide 41.7

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course solve the problem? meet community mitigation goals? comply with federal, state, and local regulations? have a beneficial or neutral impact on the environment? benefits outweigh the costs? funding available or potentially available? management capability for implementation and administration? cost effective, environmentally sound, and technically feasible? Task 6.3: Formulate Selection Criteria Does the proposed policy: Slide 41.8

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Worksheet #5: Geographic Planning Area Policies Slide 41.9

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Map12: Policy Map for the Riverine Hazards Planning Area Slide 41.10

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Map #13: Policy Map for the Coastal Hazards Planning Area Slide 41.11

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Worksheet #5A: Community Mitigation Action Plan Slide 41.12

Hazard Mitigation Planning V Session Name: Hazard Mitigation Planning V Coastal Hazards Management Course Slide 41.13