Celebrate Ministry!
Ministry... Christian Reformed World Missions is one of the ways the Christian Reformed Church shares Christ’s love with people around the world. CRC Publications Back To God Hour Home Missions CRWRC Denominational Ministries Calvin College Calvin Seminary World Missions
Telling the world about Jesus, one person at a time World Missions
Working in Global Evangelism World Missions supports about 300 long- and short-term missionaries.
These missionaries serve in about 30 countries.
World Missions also works in partnership with local churches overseas.
Did You Know…? There are more than a million Muslims in Mali, West Africa, but only a handful of Christians. World Missions is working to spread the good news of Jesus.
Your prayers and financial support help World Missions to proclaim Jesus’ message of salvation around the world.
Most of World Mission’s income comes from ministry shares, gifts and special offerings.
As a congregation in the Christian Reformed Church, we support a broad range of denominational ministries and programs.
The CRC’s ministry-share system is the foundation that supports much of the work we do together. Our Ministry Shares
CRC agencies save millions of dollars a year in fund-raising costs through the ministry-share system. Did You Know…?
CRC agencies rely on special gifts and offerings in addition to ministry shares to support the work they do.
Thank You! Christian Reformed World Missions and all denominational agencies are grateful for your faithful support of the CRC’s ministries at home and abroad.
Together, we can do far more than any congregation could do alone.
Celebrate Ministry!