2 AGENDA Overview Legal Update Vacancy Announcement Recruitment Screening Special Issues
3 OVERVIEW General Info Searches authorized 34 searches 76% success rate 45 hires last year AA/EEO Reps UARTP 6.06 tenured full member Department policy voting
4 LEGAL UPDATE Federal/State Standards Proposition 209 Hiring Recruitment
5 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS Request to advertise form Appendix 1, Guidelines on HR website Sample announcement Appendix 2 Guidelines Closing deadlines “hard” deadlines & pool size examples and meaning (sec II.b. Guidelines)
6 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Academic rank and salary Deans determine in consult with VPAA Appointment recommendation must conform Advertising salary range not required Past practice v. current market
7 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Degree Statement Conforms with dept. ARTP policy Anticipate screening process Clarity of language critical Examples and definitions (sec II.A Guidelines)
8 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Other Quals and Assignment Other qualification examples (sec II. C Guidelines) Tip: don’t describe ideal candidate Use “preferences” for most flexibility Assignments more than instruction (sec II.E Guidelines) Note full range of duties or special duties
9 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT AA/EEO Reps Special attention to impact of language Qualification statements
10 RECRUITMENT University Level Chronicle of Higher Ed Other national publications Sac State web CSU web Sac State faculty/staff organizations Sac State Bulletin CSU Forgivable Loan Program participant list
11 RECRUITMENT Open Recruitment University-posted announcement Send to colleges Fold into searches Follow hiring procedure (UARTP Section 6.10.E)
12 RECRUITMENT Department Ads in discipline journals announcements/ads Conferences Letters
13 RECRUITMENT Resources CSU Forgivable Loan list Women & Minorities Doctoral Degree Recipients Campus-based associations
14 RECRUITMENT AA/EEO REPS Leadership in designing recruitment strategies Network
15 SCREENING All members present- deliberations/interviews (6.06.B.2 UARTP) Vacancy announcement “controls” 3 stages: paper screening reference checks on-campus interviews
16 PAPER SCREENING “Operationalize” criteria Committee agrees on meaning “Required” v. “preferred” Tip: groupings on screening form Doctorate/terminal degree
17 PAPER SCREENING Keep it simple Weights v. “3 piles” system All members screen individually Consult with Dean at decision points
18 SCREENING AA/EEO Reps Special attention to: “operationalizing” criteria leadership on no discrimination leadership on no preference
19 REFERENCE CHECKS Solicited letters do not substitute for reference checks Take charge of the process General guidelines (sec. X, Guidelines) Step-by-step protocol (Appendix 6)
20 REFERENCE CHECKS Documentation on status of doctorate for ABD’s If checks reveal sensitive info, call HR before sharing with committee
21 INTERVIEWS General comments (sec. XIII Guidelines) Additional Interview Questions Information (appendix X, Guidelines) All members present Schedule time for Dean’s interview
22 INTERVIEWS Questions Cluster questions OK to provide prior to interview not before arrival on campus consistent for all candidates Standard questions follow-up questions ok
23 INTERVIEWS No “courtesy” interviews Check interview time against number of questions Copies of RTP criteria give during visit RTP criteria section only dept., college & university required (sec E UARTP) Include others (majors, faculty, others)
24 REFERENCE CHECKS AND INTERVIEWS AA/EEO REPS Special attention to: language used in questions (Fall 04 Guideline App. 10) linking candidates to campus/community resources Disability issues, refer to Fall 04 Guideline, sec XIII D making all candidates feel welcome
25 SPECIAL ISSUES Foreign nationals Timeliness Read most recent guidelines Dept./college appointment policies Waivers for FT lecturers