Federal Aviation Administration FAA Inspectors and FAAST Managers Training MODULE 4 Learner-Centered Grading (LCG) 03/16/09Draft 1.0SL-1-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Objectives Upon completing this lesson: –You will understand how learner-centered grading promotes learning. –You will be able to explain the maneuver and SRM grading scales and appropriately grade pilot maneuvers and SRM performance. –You will understand how use debriefings to increase learning. SL-2-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Overview Learner-Centered Grading Why Learner-Centered Grading? The Grading System Measuring Pilot Performance –Maneuver Grading –SRM Grading Structured Debriefings SL-3-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Learner-Centered Grading Is a grading system that provides clear feedback on progress toward achieving desired outcomes and provides a clear picture of that progress to flight training managers and other instructors. LCG includes a grading scale and a debriefing technique. SL-4-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Why Learner-Centered Grading? It provides: –meaningful feedback to the pilot in training about progress. Students are more motivated when they clearly understand how their performance measures up. –learning opportunities. Discussions about their performance provides opportunities to correct and expand learning. SL-5-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Grading System A tool for assessing pilot performance. –To provide feedback to the student and instructor –To tack and manage progress Grades must clearly indicate the pilot’s performance. –Grades need to show the progress of the pilot’s development. SL-6-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Measuring Pilot Performance Pilot performance is measured against the desired outcome. The grading scale includes both maneuver and SRM grades. SL-7-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Grading Maneuvers (Tasks) Grading Maneuvers (Tasks) Describe Explain Practice Perform Not Observed SL-8-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Describe Able to describe the physical characteristics and cognitive elements of the scenario activities. –Instructor assistance is required to successfully execute the maneuver. SL-9-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Explain Able to describe the scenario activity and understand the underlying concepts, principles, and procedures that comprise the activity. –Significant instructor effort will be required to successfully execute the maneuver. SL-10-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Practice Able to plan and execute the scenario. –Coaching, instruction, and/or assistance from the CFI will correct deviations and errors identified by the CFI. SL-11-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Perform Able to perform the activity without assistance from the CFI. –Errors and deviations will be identified and corrected by the PT in an expeditious manner. SL-12-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Perform (cont.) At no time will the successful completion of the activity be in doubt. –(“Perform” will be used to signify that the pilot is satisfactorily demonstrating proficiency in traditional piloting and systems operation skills). SL-13-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Not Observed Used for any event not accomplished or required. SL-14-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Practice Exercise SL-15-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration With a partner: Describe specific pilot performances that would be appropriately graded by each of the four maneuver grades. SL-16-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM) Grades Explain Practice Manage/Decide Not Observed SL-17-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Explain Can verbally identify, describe, and understand the risks inherent in the flight scenario. –Needs to be prompted to identify risks and make decisions. SL-18-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Practice Able to identify, understand, and apply SRM principles to the actual flight situation. –Coaching, instruction, and/or assistance from the CFI will quickly correct minor deviations and errors identified by the CFI. Is an active decision maker. SL-19-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Manage/Decide Can correctly gather the most important data available both within and outside the cockpit, identify possible courses of action, evaluate the risk inherent in each course of action, and make the appropriate decision. –Instructor intervention is not required for the safe completion of the flight. SL-20-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Not Observed Used for any event not accomplished or required. SL-21-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Practice Exercise SL-22-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration With a partner: Describe specific pilot performances that would be appropriately graded by each of the three SRM grades. Explain how a pilot’s performance on a task could be affected by the pilot’s judgment and/or decision-making. SL-23-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Structured Debriefings Specifies that the trainee will self-assess before being debriefed. –Grading will be conducted independently and compared during post flight critique. The technique provides opportunities for learning moments as well as for practice and rehearsal of judgment and decision-making. SL-24-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Practice Exercise SL-25-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration With a partner: From your own experience, describe an incidence where the pilot in training and instructor disagreed on the assessment of the performance. Describe how resolving the disagreement provided or could provide a learning opportunity. SL-26-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Review Learner-Centered Grading Why Learner-Centered Grading? Grading System Measuring Pilot Performance Maneuver Grading SRM Grading Structured Debriefings SL-27-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration Objectives Upon completing this lesson: –You will understand how learner-centered grading promotes learning. –You will be able to the explain the maneuver and SRM grading scales and appropriately grade pilot maneuver and SRM performance. –You will understand how use the debriefing to increase learning. SL-28-FIFMT-4
Federal Aviation Administration FAA Inspectors and FAAST Managers Training MODULE 4 Learner-Centered Grading (LCG) The End 03/10/09Rev. 1.0SL-29-FIFMT-4