Double Object Verbs 英語文法中所提,「直接賓語」和 「間接賓語」,怎麼區分呢? -by Kuo-ming Liu
How do you say the sentence in Chinese? The The woman cooked her husband 把先生給烹了? 卡通影片 夢中情節 精神有問題 唉呀,別問我啦 老師,你這問題怪怪的
More Funny Examples Please buy me 把我給買了? I am going to cut you 把妳給切了? The girl in the attic always plays me 玩我? 都是怪怪的英文句子??
More Examples The woman cooked her husband Please buy me I am going to cut you The girl in the attic always plays me a delicious meal. a new book. a piece of cake. a beautiful song. 咦,我把怪怪的句子變正常了!
What deserves to be thought about … The woman cooked her husband a delicious meal. COOK : HER HUSBAND COOK : A DELICIOUS MEAL 相對不密切 相對密切
Conclusion The woman cooked her husband a delicious meal. husband 為間接賓語 I.O. a delicious meal 為直接賓語 D.O 賓語:與述語的語意密切與否決定直接或間接,勝過空 間關係 / 是否屬人的屬性
Common Double-Object Verbs COOK her husband a delicious meal BUY me a new book CUT you a piece of cake PLAY me a beautiful song SHOW us the rooms GIVE me a good English dictionary PASS me the salt
MORE Double-object Verbs WRITE us a letter every month SAVE us a lot of money MAKE him a good wife SEND the man a bottle of vitamin B TELL me the truth DO me a favor CHOOSE him a good wife SPARE me a few minutes of your time CALL me a taxi
More Examples Have they paid you the money? Will you lend me your pen, please? He handed her the letter. Will you please pass me the salt? Won’t you tell us a story? A holiday by the sea will do you a lot of good. They all wished him a safe journey
More Examples BLOW him a kiss DENY her nothing LEAVE her everything he possessed READ you a letter OWE me nothing ALLOW himself no rest MAKE me a good offer