Double Object Verbs 英語文法中所提,「直接賓語」和 「間接賓語」,怎麼區分呢? -by Kuo-ming Liu.


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Presentation transcript:

Double Object Verbs 英語文法中所提,「直接賓語」和 「間接賓語」,怎麼區分呢? -by Kuo-ming Liu

How do you say the sentence in Chinese?  The  The woman cooked her husband  把先生給烹了?  卡通影片  夢中情節  精神有問題  唉呀,別問我啦  老師,你這問題怪怪的

More Funny Examples  Please buy me  把我給買了?  I am going to cut you  把妳給切了?  The girl in the attic always plays me  玩我?  都是怪怪的英文句子??

More Examples  The woman cooked her husband  Please buy me  I am going to cut you  The girl in the attic always plays me a delicious meal. a new book. a piece of cake. a beautiful song. 咦,我把怪怪的句子變正常了!

What deserves to be thought about … The woman cooked her husband a delicious meal. COOK : HER HUSBAND COOK : A DELICIOUS MEAL 相對不密切 相對密切

Conclusion The woman cooked her husband a delicious meal. husband 為間接賓語 I.O. a delicious meal 為直接賓語 D.O 賓語:與述語的語意密切與否決定直接或間接,勝過空 間關係 / 是否屬人的屬性

Common Double-Object Verbs  COOK her husband a delicious meal  BUY me a new book  CUT you a piece of cake  PLAY me a beautiful song  SHOW us the rooms  GIVE me a good English dictionary  PASS me the salt

MORE Double-object Verbs  WRITE us a letter every month  SAVE us a lot of money  MAKE him a good wife  SEND the man a bottle of vitamin B  TELL me the truth  DO me a favor  CHOOSE him a good wife  SPARE me a few minutes of your time  CALL me a taxi

More Examples  Have they paid you the money?  Will you lend me your pen, please?  He handed her the letter.  Will you please pass me the salt?  Won’t you tell us a story?  A holiday by the sea will do you a lot of good.  They all wished him a safe journey

More Examples  BLOW him a kiss  DENY her nothing  LEAVE her everything he possessed  READ you a letter  OWE me nothing  ALLOW himself no rest  MAKE me a good offer