Flight Performance, Stability and Control PDR Brian Barnett Rob Benner Ryan Srogi John Keune Alex Fleck
Objectives Class 1 sizing of horizontal and vertical tails and control surfaces. Dihedral and static margin determination. Take-off, climb, and turn performance.
Tail Sizing with Historical Data
Tail Area = 3.31 ft. 2 = 1.29 ft. 2
Control Surface Sizing Max deflection = 30 deg for all control surfaces
Other Control Parameters Dihedral = 2 deg. –Based on historical data of high wing aircraft Static Margin = 15% –Mark Peters recommendation –Can be as low as 10% –Adjustable by moving battery pack
Take-off Performance
Climb Performance
Turning Performance =.141 rad/sec.
Tasks Remaining X-Plots for horizontal and vertical tails Location of aerodynamic center and center of gravity Endurance mission