Using the File Manager WebCT 6
Understanding File Manager The File Manager is the area where all course files are stored. Whenever you link a file in your course, it must first be uploaded to the File Manager.
To access the File Manager: 1.On the homepage, select the Build Tab. 2.Scroll down; select Designer Tools/File Manager. New location!
The File Manager page appears: Buttons now at Top and Bottom This gives you access to all your course files New format!
Displaying Folders and Files
If you want to see a list of all folders and files not assigned to folders: Click the Dark Gray File Manager link:
A list will appear: You will wonder: “Is this all my files?” These are files on Page 1 of 10 pages!
By default, only 10 items are displayed per page.
To see more files: Or Click the green “next page” icon. Select pages from the dropdown menu, and click the green arrow.
To change the display: Click the Yellow “pages” icon.
You will get a display option dialog box: Type in desired number, and click OK.
Now you can see more files displayed:
The File Manager has two sections: A list of folders appears on the left. Folders + loose files appear on right
When you click on a folder Files inside the folder appear on the right
Notice the File Manager has various buttons: Create File lets you write from scratch. Get File allows you to upload files. Create folder lets you add a new folder
To add a folder: Click the Create Folder button. The Create Folder dialog box appears: Fill in the Title Click OK
The new folder appears:
To upload a file: Click the desired folder. New! Be sure you are inside the correct folder!
The folder opens: Click the “Get Files” button
The Content Browser appears: Click the “My Computer” icon.
A dialog box will appear Navigate to the file you want to upload.
In this case, I’ll upload the syllabus file. Click “Open”
WebCT uploads the file: A “success” message appears. The file appears in the file list.
New in WebCT6! You can now upload multiple files: Using the upload feature, you can now upload 10 files at a time. –Navigate to the files, select up to 10 files –Click OK.
There’s more! Upload files from another course
If you are teaching multiple courses: You can import files from another course!
Let’s return to the File Manager Click the “Get Files” button
Notice the options: You get a list of all the courses you teach. When you click the Class Files tab:
Click on a course name:
Folders and files inside that course appear on the right.
Select a file: Click OK
The file has been imported: Success message The file is added to File Manager.
End of Presentation Be sure to see other File Manager PowerPoints!