Cecilie Murray John Sloan Delphian eLearning
PedagogyContent Pedagogical Content
What is your school instructional model? Some examples: Challenge based learning Inquiry Learning E5 Instructional model Blooms Digital Taxonomy Intel Teach Instructional strategies
1. Mobility 2. Ubiquity 3. Accessibility 4. Connectivity 5. Context sensitivity 6. Individuality 7. Creativity Woodill (2011) The Mobile Learning Edge, at
What can iPads do? What can’t they do? How can I take my successful classroom strategies or what works for me integrate iPads? How can iPads value add to what I currently do in my classroom?
Take a topic/theme that you teach eg Identity, Sustainability, Energy. Create a list of strategies or activities you use Identify those that could be enhanced with the use of iPads Identify new strategies or activities that iPads enable Rethink the way you teach
Cecilie Murray John Sloan Delphian eLearning
Discuss: What are the stages and processes when implementing a new initiative?
Share: What have you found out about implementing initiatives?
Issues to be taken into account: ◦ Model of ownership ◦ Device – shared ◦ Infrastructure ◦ PD ◦ Apps & quality &finding ◦ Assessment ◦ Policy documents – user agreements, ◦ Data management ◦ ICT helpdesk ◦ Costs of apps – vouchers & management ◦ Parent involvement – communications strategy ◦ Measuring value – evaluation
Four phases: ◦ PLANNING – research, vision, consult, assess readiness, project plan, budget ◦ PREPARATION – assess teacher skills, professional learning, spaces, suppliers, applications, costs, policies ◦ IMPLEMENTATION – support services, distribute, use in classrooms ◦ EVALUATION – device use (action research), support services, policies and management Good Practice Tips Implementation of Mobile Learning projects
Teaching and Learning ◦ Teachers are confident to use ICT to plan, deliver and assess curriculum online Leadership ◦ Principal and leadership team are confident to implement Staff Capability ◦ Teachers are confident and capable ICT users Infrastructure ◦ School infrastructure and technical support is robust Data/Content ◦ Data and content is ready to upload Community ◦ The school is preparing its community
Document how the plan works at your school Assess readiness against each step Where would you review: ◦ ICT infrastructure (servers, wireless, network, etc) ◦ eLearning Plan ◦ Technicians ◦ Teacher ICT skills ◦ Student ICT skills
Raised from discussion: NSSCF – blend of devices & how to manage – ◦ Apple & Microsoft knowledge bases. TSSPs network. Networks – Xirrus wireless points are robust Cost – saving money – cheap vouchers Updates & how to manage Licensing of apps – Casper to push out apps to people, remote monitoring & tracking Some PDFs can convert to eBooks Maintenance & Insurance Charging iTunes accounts & set up – buy a free app, set up another account and buy from a gift card or voucher. Parents hold the iTunes account & emphasise no credit card a/c. Synching ipads and apps – labour intensive for shared devices Parent persuasive ideas iPads, windows and managing the dual platform
Cecilie Murray John Sloan Delphian eLearning
Planning ◦ Essential Question ◦ Rationale – background info ◦ Research Questions – clarify the aims ◦ Success indicators student improvement teacher pedagogy ◦ Methodology - data gathering tools, intervals, etc ◦ Implementation – what you do in class ◦ Reflection ◦ Reporting
Web: Twitter: #ceciliemurray #johnsloan Contacts
Links to slides and resources 16 May Using iPads and apps Mobile Learning Research 17 May iPads - Integrate, Implement, Evaluate