loquacious adjective Definition: Very talkative; garrulous Example: The loquacious barber always told stories while cutting the customers’ hair.
Grammar Cats Picci Hedwig
Verb tense review Present Action occurring in the present moment Hedwig waits for Santa. Past Action occurring in a definite time before the present moment Last year, Hedwig waited for Santa. Future Action occurring at some time beyond the present moment Next year, Hedwig will wait for Santa. Present Perfect Action continuing up to the present moment So far this year, Hedwig has waited for Santa for eight months. Past Perfect Action continuing to a fixed moment in the past Before leaving my house, Hedwig had waited for Santa all morning. Future Perfect Action continuing to a fixed moment in the future By Christmas, Hedwig will have waited for Santa for one year.
Principal Parts 3 distinct forms show the difference between regular and irregular verbs
Base (infinitive) the “name” of the verb, used in the present tense with s (es) added in the third- person singular. Hedwig swims.
Past The form used in the simple past tense. Hedwig Swam.
Past Participle The form used in all three perfect tenses. Hedwig will have swum. Hedwig had swum. Hedwig has swum.
Regular vs. Irregular verbs Regular past and past participle are alike (using the addition of ed or d. (earn, earned, earned) Irregular past tense and past participle are not spelled alike. (swim, swam, swum)
Present Participle formed by adding ing to the base form of the verb. This works with both regular and irregular verbs. Irregular: do Picci is doing nothing. Regular: enjoy Picci is enjoying my file box.
Auxiliary Verbs: Progressive Tense and the correct form of to be and -ing Picci is watching. Picci was watching. Picci will be watching. Picci has been watching. Picci had been watching. Picci will have been watching
Modal Auxiliary verbs these words are used the way will is used.
modal auxiliary verbs: possibility May, can, and might are used to suggest possibility My nose can be clean tomorrow. My nose might be clean tomorrow. My nose may be clean tomorrow.
modal auxiliary verbs: obligation must indicates an obligation. I must listen to the glue.
modal auxiliary verbs: possibility Could is used to indicate ability, possibility, or permission in the past tense. Yes, I could have worked out.
a little more... some modals and time auxiliaries make use of to in the verb phrase. Zukki: has to ought to used to supposed to (I) am to (I) am going to meant to sleep.
In-class exercise Practice sheet 5 p together 6-20 in pairs
Homework due Tuesday Read WG p copy the bold print definitions Exercise 5, 1-10 p. 47 Exercise 5, 1-10 p. 48 (Quiz on Thursday NOT Tuesday)