God The Son, The Executor of the Plan His Coming WITH His Saints
2 Important Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ A period of preparation will follow the rapture in which ten nations will be formed into a confederacy in a revival of the ancient Roman Empire. A period of peace will be brought about by the dictator in the Mediterranean area, beginning with a covenant with Israel planned for seven years Daniel 9:27
3 Important Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ A time of persecution for Israel and for all believers in Christ will be brought about when the dictator breaks his covenant after the first three and one half years. –A–At the same time he becomes a world dictator, –a–abolishes all religions of the world in favor of the worship of Himself, –a–and seizes control of all business operations in the world so that no one can buy or sell without his permission.
4 Important Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ A time of persecution for Israel and for all believers in Christ will be brought about when the dictator breaks his covenant after the first three and one half years. –T–This period of three and one half years is called the great tribulation. Daniel 12:1 Matthew 24:21 Revelation 7:14
5 Important Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ A time of persecution for Israel and for all believers in Christ will be brought about when the dictator breaks his covenant after the first three and one half years. –I–In this period God will pour out great judgments ( described in Revelation 6:1 through 18:24 ). –T–The great tribulation will climax in a great world war. Revelation 16:14-16
6 Vital Facts Relating to the Second Coming The Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth, Zechariah 14:4 –personally Matthew 25:31 Revelation 19:11-16 –and on the clouds of heaven. Matthew 24:30 Acts 1:11 Revelation 1:7
7 His Coming WITH His Saints Vital Facts Relating to the Second Coming The Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth, According to the revelation given by Christ Himself recorded in Matthew 24:26-29, His glorious appearing will be like lightning shining from the East to the West. Christ’s return will be seen by everyone on earth Revelation 6:12-17 Matthew 24:30 Revelation 16:1-21 Revelation 1:7
8 His Coming WITH His Saints Vital Facts Relating to the Second Coming In His second coming to the earth, Christ is accompanied by saints and angels in a dramatic procession. Revelation 19:11-16 –The second coming itself will terminate on the Mount of Olives, the same place from which Christ ascended into heaven Zechariah 14:1-4 Acts 1:9-12
9 His Coming WITH His Saints Vital Facts Relating to the Second Coming At His coming, Christ will first judge the armies of the world deployed in battle Revelation 19:15-21 As He sets up His kingdom, He will re-gather Israel and judge them relative to their worthiness to enter the millennial kingdom. Ezekiel 20:34-38 In a similar way He will gather the Gentiles or “the nations” and judge them. Matthew 25:31-46
10 Church Age Age of Israel Jacob’s Trouble Tribulation Kingdom Age Rapture2 nd Advent Believer’s (Church)Believer’s Unbeliever’s
11 Rapture (Translation)Second Advent All believers disappearThe Son of God appears Believers removed from the earth. (John 14:3) Unbelievers removed from the earth. (Matt. 24:37-39) Private: Only believers will see Him. (Hebrews 9:28) Public: Every eye shall see Him. (Rev. 1:7) Believers are “caught up” into the air. (1 Thess. 4:17) The Son of God returns to the earth. (Zech. 14:4) Christ comes to claim a bride: (1 Thess. 4:17) Christ returns with the bride: (Col. 3:4; Zech. 14:5) Initiates the TribulationEstablishes the Millennial Kingdom ImminentPreceded by many signs
12 Rapture (Translation)Second Advent Brings a message of comfort. (1 Thess 4:18) Accompanied by a message of judgment: (Rev. 6:15-17) Relates to the ChurchRelates to Israel and the world. (Jude 15) Is a mystery. (1 Cor. 15:51)Predicted in both the O.T. and N.T. Believers are judged. ( bema ) (1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10) Gentiles and Israel are judged. (Baptism of Fire) (Matt. 25:31, 32, 46) Creation is unchangedCreation is changed Gentiles are unaffectedGentiles are judged. Israel’s covenants are unfulfilled Israel’s covenants are fulfilled.
13 Rapture (Translation)Second Advent Evil is not judgedEvil is judged Precedes the “day of wrath.” Follows the “day of wrath.” The expectation of the church is “the Lord is at hand.” (Phil. 4:5) The expectation of Israel is “the Kingdom is at hand.” (Matt. 24:14) The expectation of the church is to be taken into the Lord’s presence. The expectation of Israel is to be taken into the kingdom. There is no dealing with Satan. Satan is bound for 1,000 years. (Rev. 20:2)
14 His Coming WITH His Saints 1. Describe the period of preparation which will follow the rapture of the church. Ten nations will be formed into a confederacy in a revival of the ancient Roman Empire. Out of this will emerge a dictator who will control first three then all ten of the nations. 2. What is the extent of the period of peace which will follow the period of preparation, and how will it be brought about? A covenant, a peace agreement, will be established with Israel by the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire for a proposed period of seven years.
15 His Coming WITH His Saints 3.What are the major characteristics of the time of persecution for Israel which will follow the time of peace? The Antichrist, the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire, will become a world dictator. He will abolish all religions of the world in favor of the worship of Himself, and seize control of all business operations in the world so that no one can buy or sell without his permission. This period of three and one half years is called the great tribulation.
16 His Coming WITH His Saints 4.What is the precise meaning of the time of the great tribulation and what will bring this period to a close? In this period God will pour out great judgments ( described in Revelation 6:1 through 18:24 ). The great tribulation will climax in a great world war. At the height of this war, Christ will come back to deliver the saints who have not yet been martyred, to bring judgment on the earth, and to bring in His righteous kingdom.
17 His Coming WITH His Saints 5.Why would it be impossible for Jesus Christ to come and establish His kingdom in the earth today? Before these things can take place the Church must be raptured. If the Church were to be raptured today the fulfillment of these events would begin immediately.
18 His Coming WITH His Saints 6. Describe the appearance of the second coming of Christ as it will be seen by the world. According to the revelation given by Christ Himself recorded in Matthew 24:26-29, His glorious appearing will be like lightning shining from the East to the West. In His second coming to the earth, Christ is accompanied by saints and angels in a dramatic procession.
19 His Coming WITH His Saints 7. What will be the situation in the earth and in the heavens at the time of the second coming of Christ? In the days preceding His glorious, physical return to earth, described as “the tribulation of those days,” there will be disturbances in the heaven, the sun darkened, the moon not giving her light, and the stars falling from heaven, and the heavens themselves shaken.
20 His Coming WITH His Saints 8. Why do all tribes of the earth mourn at the time of the second coming? because the great majority of them are unbelievers who are awaiting judgment. 9.Who accompanies Christ in His second coming? In His second coming to the earth, Christ is accompanied by saints and angels in a dramatic procession.
21 His Coming WITH His Saints 10. How can you account for the fact that the entire world will see the second coming? The fact that this is a procession in which Christ is accompanied by all the saints and holy angels indicates that it is gradual and may take many hours. During this period the earth will rotate, permitting the entire world to see the event.
22 His Coming WITH His Saints 11. To what place on earth will Christ return in His second coming, and what will occur when His feet touch the earth? The second coming itself will terminate on the Mount of Olives, the same place from which Christ ascended into heaven. At the moment His feet touch the Mount of Olives, it will cleave in two and form a great valley extending from Jerusalem east to the Jordan Valley and west to the Mediterranean Sea.
23 His Coming WITH His Saints 12. What is the first act of judgment of Christ upon His return? At His coming, Christ will first judge the armies of the world deployed in battle 13. What will Christ do in relation to Israel at His return? As He sets up His kingdom, He will re-gather Israel and judge them relative to their worthiness to enter the millennial kingdom.
24 His Coming WITH His Saints 14. What will Christ do in relation to the Gentiles at His return? He will gather the Gentiles or “the nations” and judge them. Matthew 25: What contrast between the rapture and the second coming makes clear that these were two distinct events? Show the ppt.
25 His Coming WITH His Saints 16.Name some of the important Scripture passages that relate to the rapture and to the second coming of Christ to the earth. John 14:1-31 Corinthians 15: Thessalonians 4:13-18Philippians 3: Corinthians 5:10Deuteronomy 30:1-10 Psalm 72All the prophets Matthew 25:1-46Acts 1:11 Acts 15: Thessalonians 2: Peter 2:1-3:18Revelation 19:11-20:6
26 His Coming WITH His Saints 17. Why does literal interpretation of prophecy make it impossible to make the rapture of the church and Christ’s coming to set up His kingdom the same event? Because the Church is not Israel, and Israel is not the Church. God has a separate plan for Israel and a separate plan for the Church. Except for the rapture of the Church, all of the “yet to be fulfilled” prophecies in scripture have to do with Israel. To interpret scripture any other way would mean that God is not God. In the Rapture of the Church the believers are removed from earth, and the unbelievers stay on earth. At the second advent of Christ, the unbelievers are removed from earth, and the believers stay on earth.