Finance Club Investment Banking Student Resources and Expectations Susan Woodall
Overview Summary of MBA1 process Role of Career Counselors Bank Specific Contacts Expectations
MBA1 Process 1.Conduct Self Assessment 2.Investigate Career Opportunities 3.Form Study Groups 4.Target Employers 5.Establish Contacts (Corp presentations / WSF / informationals) 6.Prepare Targeted Resumes/Effective Cover letters 7.Keep Up On the Market 8.Strengthen Interviewing Skills (mock interviews) 1.Fit / technical 9.Prepare for Second Rounds 10.Make an Employment Decision
Career Counselors – Role of Career Counselors Key areas where counselors can assist: Self-assessment Understanding the style/expectations in the recruitment process –Particularly important for international students Work on your “story” Resume reviews Mock interviews Logistics Counselor hours are posted on Mtrack under: student menu/careers/career counseling Hours are posted 2 weeks in advance and they update at midnight on Sat. Sign-up early.
Career Counselors Investment Banking Career Counselors: Manisha Tiffany Manaswi Jeffrey Arif Susan
Bank Specific Contacts Available to address bank specific questions Assist in differentiating between banks Contacts will offer sessions to –Introduce bank and discuss their experience (Late Sept/October – specific dates to be announced) –Prepare for interviews specifically with this bank (pre-WSF and January)
Bank Specific Contacts
Expectations Treat your job search as your 6 th class!
Expectations – Timely Use of Resources Time goes by quickly and resources are limited –Complete self assessment ASAP Talk to CC this week/next week –Complete Resume Review Have first review by CC completed by end of September –Begin working on your “story” now Review with CC by Mid October –We recommend 2 mock interviews prior to the WSF (1 will be required) –Use bank specific contacts to help you focus your search
Expectations – Requirements to Attend WSF Requirements for Wall Street Forum –1 Resume review session with Career Counselor prior to October 5th –Complete at least 1 Mock interview prior to Wall Street Forum (specific date to be provided) –Submit names of 3 banks your are focusing and why (brief with 3 bullet points for each bank) (forms will be distributed at next meeting)
Going Forward Timing of bank specific sessions and special events will be announced at future meetings Address questions to myself or other contacts provided in this presentation