What addicts people and why
The most addicting sites. Facebook Youtube Tumblr eBay Let’s see why these sites are addicting.
Tumblr – Reblogging things. Tumblr is a blogging site that has many pointless, funny, or sad posts and can be HIGHLY addictive. Also informative. Just look at Joanna or Gena.
Facebook – FRIEND REQUESTS! Facebook lets you talk and share as much as you like about yourself without being labelled as self-obsessed. Also there are addictive games.
Youtube – SUBSCRIBERS!! Youtube is a world-wide known site that has countless videos of random things. It’s most addictive because of the SUBCRIBERS.
Ebay – Buy & sell. eBay is a shopping site that is well known. eBay is like the center of the selling industry. Also, there are funny parodies about eBay.
So. Are you addicted? 10% of teens would most likely be addicted to websites like the examples shown. Teens say they aren’t addicted. But really. ARE THEY? Are they watching their friend requests? Are they watching their followers? Are they playing farmville? I guess so. Most teens are addicted to the internet. Parents think so too. Go outside and stop being a troll on the computer.
So what. Addiction can’t hurt. Actually, people have died. Here are some of them. Names are classified. Actually, people have died. Here are some of them. Names are classified. Chinese teen dies at Internet addiction rehab camp. Aug Beaten to death Chinese teen dies at Internet addiction rehab camp Mother dies because of a child’s addiction problem. A kid kills his mother because of his addiction. Internet addiction led to baby's death. 2 parents were busy raising a virtual baby. Not feeding the 3 month year old daughter and she died because of malnutrition. A kid’s mother gets a virus from playing farmville too much. Apparently, she got a virus and then her computer got fixed. Then she kept playing again and got a virus.
THE END Everything is by Google.