Music Literacy a collection of recourses by Caroline Barnes
National Organizations
MENC The National Association for Music Education A great recourse for finding teaching materials ideas for the classroom. Publish national standards for music education and hold an annual conference.
ACDA American Choral Directors Association Provides information about the world of choral conduction and education. Offers links to recourses and also offers conferences for professional development.
OAKE Organization of American Kodaly Educators A great reference for music educators who sing in their classrooms. Provides philosophical information as well as methods and materials to aid classroom teachers. oooo aaaa kkkk eeee.... oooo rrrr gggg
Online Resources
Songs for Teaching A very well organized web site offering tons of strategies to promote music and literacy. This web site links music to many different content areas which can allow collaboration with classroom teaching.
Music Education Online Music Education Online provides a wealth of online information for anyone interested in music education. Established in 1993, Music Education Online is one of the most referenced web sites for music education on the Internet today. Enjoy your visit to Music Education Online and please bookmark us for future reference.