CCC v Upgrade
The CCC v Upgrade HPI-CCC PMH-CCC and FH-SH-CCC ROS-CCC PE-CCC and more Navigation (Click directly on a specific link, or use the Page Up / Page Down keys to move forward or back)
What does the CCC v8.3.4 upgrade include? CCC version forms replace their version 7 counterparts o This allows for specialty-specific customization o Your clinic’s EMR Implementer and designated Physician(s) have compiled content for your discipline
What else does the upgrade include? New form layouts o Simplify documentation o Reduce typing HPI launch pad o Build your own visit Enhanced navigation tools
Do you have to use all the new CCC forms, right away? Some clinics are merely exchanging the forms currently being used with their v counterparts o The transition for these clinics will be relatively seamless No.
Do you have to use all the new CCC forms, right away? Other clinics are gradually phasing in the new forms o They will start with two or three core CCC forms o As the comfort level rises, new CCC forms will be introduced No.
What about our home grown forms? Some clinics will continue to use only forms created here at the HealthTeam (non-CCC forms)
So what’s the bottom line? Portions of this presentation might not apply for your clinic If you don’t know where your clinic stands on the v upgrade, check with your clinic champion or your EMR Implementer Index
Quickly pull additional forms into a chart update in progress Both CCC and non-CCC forms Access the patient’s prior HPI by clicking the View Prior HPI button See and use other discipline’s content The HPI-CCC
Build a Visit in the HPI Pull additional forms into the visit by placing a checkmark in that form’s checkbox
Click the View Prior HPI button to have that HPI displayed Click Yes to add that HPI to the current update Click No if you don’t want to include it in the update Viewing the Prior HPI
Accessing other discipline’s content Choose a different discipline’s content from the dropdown list
Accessing other discipline’s content Index A Refresh! button appears Click the Refresh! button and that discipline’s content will be displayed and available for use
PMH-CCC Content customized by clinic discipline
PMH-CCC 1.Place checkmarks by the appropriate Medical History options This activates the Insert Selected Values button, turning it yellow 2. Click the Insert Selected Values button to add the items to the PMH field
Use the Replace w/ Prior PMH button to clear any new entry and reset the most recent, signed value Click the Problems, Medications, and Allergies buttons to make changes to their respective elements The Flowsheet button allows you to access and modify existing observations in the patient chart
FH-SH-CCC Place checkmarks in the appropriate Family History options, then click the Insert Selected Values button Repeat the process for documenting Social History
PMH-CCC & FH-SH-CCC Index Be sure to click the Insert Selected Values button after you’ve made your selection. If you don’t, those values will not be included in the chart update!
The overall layout is the same as its v7 counterpart The order of the systems is determined by individual clinics The content is discipline-specific
ROS Customization - Systems Clinic designate determines the tab and display order of the systems
Customization - Listboxes Listbox content driven by clinic/specialty preference
The clinic determines the default text translation Physicians can override the default on an as-needed basis with a simple checkmark ( ) The ROS-CCC Documentation
ROS Documentation A checkmark ( ) to Show Brief Version… reduces the chart update’s text translation
The ROS Brief Documentation Systems with both “Denies” and “Complains of” indicated as such appear separately Systems with only “Denies” are included in a common phrase at the end of the ROS documentation
ROS Documentation Remove the checkmark in Show Brief Version… to add the full text to the chart update A second option to Show Only Positive Values in Note becomes available
ROS Documentation The text translation with only Positives included Index
The New PE-CCC
Documentation is simplified Content is discipline-specific Content from other specialties is readily accessible during an update already in progress
PE-CCC Simplifies Documentation Listboxes reduce typing
PE-CCC Simplifies Documentation Use checkmarks ( ) in the systems’ listboxes to minimize typing These entries appear in their respective free text fields on the left
PE-CCC Simplifies Documentation Use the All Normal button, then counter-click system-specific buttons as needed To document only certain systems, use their respective buttons
Access form content from other specialties during your current update Discipline-specific Content
Choose a different discipline’s content from the dropdown list Click the Refresh! button and that discipline’s content will be displayed and available for use Index
Tabs and Content The PE-CCC has 7 tabs; only 6 are visible at one time Use the black arrow in the upper right corner to navigate the various tabs
Tabs and Content Use the Diabetic Eye Exam button to go to that tab
The Diabetic Eye Exam Use the arrow to gain access to the first tab
Tabs and Content Use the Eye Exam button to navigate to a separate Eye Exam form Click the ENT Exam button to go to a separate ENT Exam Index
More on Navigation
Navigating to Specific Forms Use the buttons at the bottom of a CCC form to easily go to another CCC form in the chart update
Navigating Forward and Back You can still use the Prev Form and Next Form buttons to move from one form to the next Index
Contact the EMR Implementation team for more CCC v information (517) Share this instructional tool with others! HELP! Index