NGAO System Design Phase Update Peter Wizinowich, Rich Dekany, Don Gavel, Claire Max, Sean Adkins for NGAO Team SSC Meeting November 6, 2007
2 Presentation Sequence Management NSF Proposals Science & System Requirements System Engineering System Design Summary
Management Report System Design Started 10/1/06 System Design Review 3/31/08 now PDR
4 Project Reports 4 th & 5 th reports submitted to Directors on 9/19 & 11/2 Emphasis during this report period has been on: –System architecture evaluation & selection (June – Aug.) –Functional requirements (Aug. – Dec.) –Subsystem design (Sept. – Dec.) –Proposals to TSIP & ATI –Plus: completion of two performance budgets, incorporation of additional atmospheric characterization data, & summary reports for the performance budgets & trade studies
5 System Design Milestones #MILESTONEDATESTATUS 1SD SEMP Approved10/9/06Complete 2SD phase contracts in place10/27/06Complete 3Science Requirements Summary v1.0 Release 10/27/06Complete 4System Requirements Document (SRD) v1.0 Release 12/8/06Complete 5Performance Budgets Summary v1.0 Release 6/15/07Complete 6SRD v2.0 Release5/22/07Nearly complete 7Trade Studies Complete6/22/07Complete 8SRD v3.0 Release 9/7/07Not started 9System Design Manual (SDM) v1.0 Release 9/21/07Complete 10Technical Risk Analysis V1.0 Release 9/21/07Complete 11Cost Review Complete12/7/07Some work as part of system architecture 12SDM v2.0 Release 2/12/08 13System Design Review Package Distributed 3/4/08 14 System Design Review3/31/08 15SDR Report & Project Planning Presentation at SSC meeting 4/14/08 Requirements Performance Budgets + Trade Studies System Architecture + Functional Requirements Subsystem Design + Functional Requirements Management Plan (post-SDR) 4 milestones completed since June SSC meeting
6 Schedule & Budget Schedule: 53% of System Design Phase work complete through Oct. Budget: 64% of System Design Phase budget ($730k) spent through Sept. –92% of the $798k FY07 budget, excluding $20k contingency Plan to be reviewed to ensure deliverables complete for SDR
7 NGAO Keck AO Notes 20 reports document technical progress since last SSC meeting: All KAONs at
NSF Proposals
9 NSF Proposals Submitted NGAO preliminary design –$2M TSIP proposal submitted on Aug. 31 –Funds ~70% of preliminary design –Detailed schedule/budget to be determined during system design Deployable near-IR integral field spectrograph system design –$1.1M ATI proposal submitted on Nov. 1 –Proposed to ATI program because Most complex NGAO instrument, with longest lead time Advanced nature of key components made it suitable for ATI –System design scheduled from May/08 to Dec/09 Proposal writing in both cases led by Adkins with support from WMKO management, NGAO EC & science community
10 Deployable IFS: Project Organization Adkins (co-PI) : overall architecture, systems engineering, project management Larkin (co-PI): IFS design, instrument scientist Science team members: Barton (UCI), Lu (UCLA), Shapley (Princeton/UCLA), Steidel (CIT), Treu (UCSB) Optical design –UCSC, UCLA MOAO –UCSC, WMKO Mechanical design –Caltech, UCLA, WMKO Electronics and Software –UCLA, WMKO Project requires close liaison with NGAO PD phase!
11 Deployable IFS: Science Cases Extragalactic Science –Galaxy Assembly and Star Formation History –Properties of Extremely High Redshift Galaxies –Cluster Scale Lensing –Stellar Populations and Kinematics in High Redshift Galaxies –Galaxy Formation and AGNs Galactic Science –Young Massive Star Clusters –Physics of Star Forming Regions Science cases in bold face discussed in proposal
12 Deployable IFS: Observing Features Entire near-IR band (J, H or K) in one exposure Rectangular IFS FOV 1" x 3" (baseline) Nominal 50 to 70 mas spatial scale, selected to match AO performance and give 50% EE in each spatial sample R ~4,000 Background limited (sky+telescope) performance goal (cooled AO enclosure) Close packed mode: Image credit: UCLA Galactic Center Group
13 Deployable IFS: Science Requirements
14 Deployable IFS: Instrument Concept
15 Deployable IFS: Synergy with Other Projects Significant commonality with key elements of TMT instruments: IRIS –Image sampling –Near-IR tip-tilt wavefront sensing –Spectrograph IRMOS –NGAO deployable IFS is a pathfinder or “prototype” instrument –Object selection –MOAO ATI Letter of support provided by TMT for “leveraging” common areas of technical problem solving and design
Science Case & System Requirements
17 Keck leadership in AO science Keck LGS science dominated last week’s Ringberg meeting on “Astronomy with LGS AO” –12 meaty Keck science papers –Campbell’s stunning summary talk on Keck LGS experience –Hans-Walter Rix: Congratulations! Ambitious ESO VLT future AO plans –“Laser guide star facility” - one whole VLT telescope with two Ground Layer AO systems (MUSE, HAWK-I) –Relatively modest narrow-field AO system in near IR NGAO has unique science role Will maintain Keck’s world leadership!
18 Science Cases Recall presentations at Keck Strategic Planning Meeting –Science case overview (Max) –Astrometry (Cameron & Lu) –High redshift galaxies (Steidel & Law) –Gravitationally lensed galaxies (Marshall & Treu) One result of KSPM talk New volunteers to work on NGAO science cases –Eisner, Fitzgerald, Metchev, Perrin –Many others reiterated their interest Reminder of astronomers who have been involved in science cases & requirements subsequent to proposal: –Ammons, Barth, Cameron, Ghez, Koo, Law, Le Mignant, Liu, Lu, Macintosh, Marchis, Marshall, Max, McGrath, Steidel, Treu
19 NGAO is complementary to TMT IRMS TMT IRMS: AO multi-slit, based on MOSFIRE –Slits: 0.12” and 0.16”, Field of regard: 2 arc min –Lower backgrounds: 10% of sky + telescope NGAO with multiplexed deployable IFU’s –Multi-object AO better spatial resolution (0.07”) over full field –Backgrounds: 30% of sky + telescope Pros for TMT: lower backgrounds, higher sensitivity Pros for NGAO: higher spatial resolution, 2D information, better wide field performance, sooner than TMT Pros for TMT: lower backgrounds, higher sensitivity Pros for NGAO: higher spatial resolution, 2D information, better wide field performance, sooner than TMT
20 Categorize science cases into 2 classes 1.Key Science Drivers: –These push the limits of AO system, instrument, and telescope performance. Determine the most difficult performance requirements. 2.Science Drivers: –These are less technically demanding but still place important requirements on available observing modes, instruments, and PSF knowledge.
21 Key Science Drivers (in order of distance) 1.Minor planets as remnants of early Solar System 2.Planets around low-mass stars 3.General Relativity at the Galactic Center 4.Black hole masses in nearby AGNs 5.High-redshift galaxies
22 Progress on defining science requirements Release 2 of the Science Case Requirements & System Requirements Documents are well under way –Observatory requirements further developed –Remaining tasks identified and assigned –David Le Mignant & Liz McGrath supporting this effort
23 Science Requirements Summary
System Engineering: System Architecture
25 Five architectures evaluated versus technical, cost & programmatic ranking criteria –Split relay –Adaptive secondary –Large relay –Keck I upgrade –Cascaded relay System Architecture Selected
26 Selected System Architecture Tomography to measure wavefronts & overcome cone effect AO-corrected, IR tip-tilt stars for broad sky coverage Closed-loop AO for 1 st relay Open-loop AO for deployable IFUs & 2 nd relay
27 NGAO Fields of Regard 5 LGS variable radius asterism 3 tip/tilt stars 202" LGS patrol range 180" FoR for tip- tilt star selection Central LGS Roving LGS Multi-object deployable IFU FoV 5 LGS on 11” radius 3 tip/tilt stars 1 st Relay / DNIRI Field of Regard 2 nd Relay / Precision AO Field of Regard 120 arcsec 30 arcsec
28 Model used to ensure Low Background Transmission/background model Detailed coating model, ~10 coating types in each science camera & WFS path Selectable spectral resolution KAON 501 Wide Field Background (260 K) Total AO Telescope Atmosphere Used to ensure efficacy of faint IFU K-band science case
29 Technical Risk Analysis (v1) Completed Risks identified & ranked. –One more iteration to be performed –Will be tracked
30 Functional Requirements Management Database Organized by SEMP WBS Short name for easier searching Requirements document section: easier to organize final document from database Rational and traceability (just text field for now)
NGAO System Design
32 Design Teams AO architecture overall + opto-mechanical (Lead - Gavel) AO wavefront sensors (Velur) AO operational tools (Neyman) Laser facility (Chin) Controls (Johansson) Science operations (Le Mignant) Process: Work scope planning sheets (21) produced for all major design tasks –Define tasks, approach, inputs, products & personnel –Ensure agreement on scope –Some still pending EC approval
33 AO Opto-Mechanical Design Field of view expanded from 120” to 180” diameter in response to sky coverage analysis –Impacts on K-mirror, 2 nd layer height, deployable IFU location ADC concept & location determined Space frame structure being evaluated for optics support Draft opto-mechanical ICD produced 180” side view
34 AO Wavefront Sensor Design Good progress on functional requirements –Iterating with science team on low order wavefront sensor target requirements Document clarifying the assumptions & architecture produced & distributed to team for comment 1 st order optical design worked out for LGS wavefront sensors
35 AO Operational Tools Acquisition cameras –Conceptual design being developed including location & optical interface –Sensitivity (photon) budget produced for acquisition cameras Requirements documented for –Radiometric calibration sources –AO point source simulators –Atmospheric phase screens Requirements work has begun for –Cn2 monitor –PSF camera
36 Laser Facility Design System Architecture Draft Document generated. –Describes pros and cons of the laser architectures. –Describes current laser systems & their applicability to NGAO & the Keck telescopes. –Provides criteria for down selection process. From system architecture, generated initial list of requirements and considerations to discuss with laser vendors. –Some of this discussion took place at CfAO laser workshop (Nov. 2) 1 st order subsystem block diagram completed with interfaces shown. Further updates to Functional Requirements Document 2.0.
37 Non-Real-Time Controls Update Draft of initial system context block diagram produced –Still needs some work to incorporate and interconnect science operations & instruments –Identifies the major controls modules required to implement the NGAO system –Will be used to guide remainder of non-RTC controls design effort Next steps: –Block level design of individual control modules –Revise the functional requirements
38 Real-Time Controller Block Diagrams Data Hardware Interfaces Software Flow
39 Science Operations Design Draft pre-observing interfaces specification & design manual produced System Requirements Document updated to include science operations requirements from observer & Observatory points of view Working on an observation timeline document to define many aspects of the operations
40 Summary Management –Major milestones met Exception: science/system requirements document releases v2 & 3 –Schedule slip over last 2-3 months EC will be reviewing schedule & deliverables to ensure SDR is held on schedule & within budget NSF funding proposals for NGAO preliminary design & deployable IFS system design submitted Technical: –Completed phases: performance budgets v1, trade studies & system architecture –System architecture selected –Good progress on functional requirements & database implementation to maintain them –Subsystem design phase has begun Team remains committed & excited about NGAO!