Network A/B Testing: From Sampling to Estimation Ya Xu‡ Joint work with Huan Gui† Anmol Bhasin‡ Jiawei Han† † University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana ‡ LinkedIn Corporation
A/B Testing Uniformly Random Control Treatment Average Treatment Effect
A/B Testing – Two parallel universes Assumption Two parallel universes Parallel Universe 1 (control, ) Real World (Observations, ) Parallel Universe 2 (treatment, )
Network A/B Testing Interactions between nodes in networks
Examples Experiment on feed ranking algorithms Treatment feed algorithm ranks more relevant items higher Adam (treatment) clicks on a feed update(X) X shows up higher for Adam’s friend Ben (control) Ben (control) clicks on X Experiment on People You May Know recommendations …
Assumption: SUTVA SUTVA (Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption) Treatment Assignment Vector Response function Each individual’s response is affected only by their own treatment assignments.
Network A/B Testing Framework
Framework Experimental Design Experimental Analysis Randomize assignment to minimize interactions Experimental Analysis Adjust for network effect post experiment
Experimental Design Partition the network/graph Randomize at cluster level Minimize the links between clusters Minimize the interactions between treatment and control Minimize information leakage Smaller bias for ATE
Balanced Graph Partition If the cluster sizes are the same for all clusters No matter what users’ responses are, the covariance is zero, leading to non-biased estimator. See Middleton and Aronow 2011 for derivation
Clustering Real Network Heterogeneous & large scale (350MM+) An employee network from LinkedIn 3-net clustering (Ugander et. al.,KDD’13)
Randomized Balanced Graph Partition Random Shuffling on Label Propagation Randomly initialize clusters (equal size) Select two nodes and swap their labels if it results in fewer edges between clusters. Randomly Shuffle x% of labels Repeat until convergence. Break local optimal
Clustering Results Network Statistics Edges # within each clusters Nodes # Edges # Max Degree Avg. Degree 7.26e4 2.88e6 3997 39.67 Method LP RSLP MM # of edges(1e6) 2.161 2.355 2.359 RSLP can be easily distributed as Label Propagation Algorithm, while achieves comparable performance as Modularity Maximization.
Experimental Analysis Exposure Models SUTVA Neighborhood Exposure (Ugander et. al., KDD’13) Definition: i is neighborhood exposed to treatment if (1) i is in treatment, and (2) At least θ% of i’s neighbors are in treatment Assumption: i’s response under neighborhood exposure is the same as if everyone receives treatment.
Bias-Variance Tradeoff θ = 0.9 θ = 0.3 About 80% of data points would be invalid (high variance) Stronger assumption Yi(θ= 0.3) = Yi(θ= 1) (large bias)
Fraction Neighborhood Exposure Users’ responses are determined by the treatment assignment the fraction of neighbors having the same treatment assignment. E.g., Additive Models can be arbitrary function
Example Additive Model I ATE
Example Additive Model II ATE
Simulations & real experiments
Simulations Real network graph Generation model (Eckles et al. 2014) Compare bias & variance of five estimators
Increasing treatment% Increasing treatment% Bias Variance
Increasing Network Effect Increasing Network Effect Bias Variance
Real Online Experiment Select a country Apply randomized balanced graph partitioning to assign treatment/control Apply two Feed ranking algorithms to treatment/control Estimate ATE using various approaches
Real Online Experiment Picked Netherlands 600 clusters 300/300 in treatment/control Conducted A/A test to ensure no bias
Real Online Experiments Results Method ATE for social gesture SUTVA 0.168 Network Exposure θ = 0.75 0.264 Network Exposure θ = 0.9 0.520 Hajek. Network Exposure θ = 0.75 0.625 0.133 Fraction Exposure (Additive I) 0.687 Fraction Exposure (Additive II) 0.714
Key Takeaways Network effect in A/B Testing Experimental Design: Balanced Graph Partition Experimental Analysis: Fraction Neighborhood Exposure Model Experiments Simulation Real Online Experiments Lots of future work!
Percentage of Units in Treatment The distribution of changes with percentage of units in treatment. is not representative.
Graph Cluster Randomization (Ugander et. al., KDD’13) Partition the social network How to cluster? Any constraints? Randomization on the cluster level Users in the same cluster receive the same treatment assignment (treatment/control). Estimate Average Treatment Effect Any assumptions?