Pol 168: Politics Professor B. Jones Dept. of Political Science UC-Davis Summer 2009
What is Latino Politics Research? Academic focus on race/ethnic politics typically on African-Americans …which seems natural given historical circumstances. But as a separate field, Latino Politics has seen considerable growth… But what is it?
Central Issues and Themes in Political Science Research on Latinos Identity Politics and Community –“Do Latinos Exist?” (Dominguez 1994) –Blurred distinction between race and ethnicity The concept of “Latino” is an American concept –As such, it is sort of a clearinghouse term –Sometimes, hard to know what it means Is there a “Latino Vote”?
The “Latino Vote” “Courting the Latino Vote” Analysis from CBS news (from 7/08 but basic points relevant) diBNQ diBNQ So what is the Latino vote? BTW, California Field Poll August 2009: 21% of registered voters are Latino.
Identity Politics A bloc implies identity? A prominent research question is the extent to which Latinos have common interests… Share a community… Have a common identity In literature on Af.-Americans, a prominent theme is the concept of “linked fate.”
Linked Fate “Linked fate represents a stage of identification that starts with a feeling of closeness to others who identify with the group label and involves the acceptance of the belief that individual life chances are inextricably tied to the group as a whole” (Simien, Journal of Black Studies, 35: ) Dawson, M. C. (1994). Behind the mule: Race and class in African American politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Does a similar concept apply to Latinos? Why? Why not? Does such a thing need to exist to sustain Latino identity?
Shared Identity Do Guatemalans “identify” with Mexicans? Or El Salvadorans, Hondurans, Cubans, Chileans, Colombians, Puerto Ricans, Venezuelans, Argentinians, … ? And all as “Latino”? Probably Not… but does this preclude the possibility of Latino Identity?
Latino Identity Mobilization and Collective Action Research important here! (Why an important question?) Social Movement research important too. Can these things evoke “identity?” Importance of people like César Chávez
Latino Identity The role Latino politicians play is important? Do they, can they serve as “bonding agents” in the Latino community? We will learn about the importance of “descriptive representation” later in the quarter. But let’s take a quick sidetrip: CHC Is a Latino Identity possible?
Latino Identity What factors might promote identity? Language? Cultural mores? Shared political interests? Could immigration issue serve as a “bonding agent”? …or is it all just a “who cares” question?! Flip the question around? What if non-Latinos perceived a “Latino Identity”?
Perceptions of Identity If viewed as a group by out-group members, what are the implications? Have Latinos been tethered to the immigration issue? –Springfield, TN: Is there an “us” vs. “them” mentality in the U.S.? If so, where do we find it? Brief detour: Social Identity Theory…this will help us understand how “identities” can be “activated.”
Social Identity Theory Originally developed by psychologist Henri Tajfel and developed further with John Turner Seeks to identify conditions under which identities emerge. Note: they need not always be present As such, group-based conflict may ebb and flow.
Social Identity Theory Social Identity Theory Social Psychological Component Social Categorization and the Salience of Social Identity System Component Permeability and Legitimacy System Societal Context Historical or Political Circumstances
Predictions of Discriminatory Behavior/Attitudes from Social Identity Theory
“Tajfel’s Continuum”
Social Identity Theory The notion of value threat (Branscombe et al 1999) Status Hierarchy Context Important Are conditions in place or nearly in place to predict Latino collective action? Are we seeing signs of backlash toward Latinos? If so, will this promote some kind of Latino Identity? This is an issue in Latino politics research. Let’s think about what political identity might look like?
Some Data Pew 2004 National Survey of Latinos: Politics and Civic Participation National survey of Latino/a individuals Let’s turn to some simple analysis and see what we learn.
Attention: US-born more attentive than non US-born in survey (p=.00, two-tail).
Other Results Mexican Origin slightly less attentive compared to non-Mexican origin. Cuban Origin significantly more attentive to politics compared to non-Cubano No significant differences in attentiveness for Central or South American descent. Comparisons to Anglo population?
Party Affiliation Why care about party affiliation? –Closed primaries –Dominance of two-party system (like it or not) Concerns about “monolithic” vote. –Is it fair to characterize Latino/as as a singular group? Let’s consider some data.
Identification: All Respondents
Identification: By Gender
Identification: By Birthplace
Identification by Origin: Mexican Mexican Origin –About 14 percent identify REPUBLICAN –About 35 percent identify DEMOCRAT –About 26 percent identify INDEPENDENT –About 12 percent identify as “SOMETHING ELSE” Take-away points?
Identification by Origin: Cuba Cuban Origin –About 47 percent identify REPUBLICAN –About 19 percent identify DEMOCRAT –About 17 percent identify INDEPENDENT –About 6 percent identify as “SOMETHING ELSE” Take-away points?
Identification by Origin: Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Origin –About 16 percent identify REPUBLICAN –About 44 percent identify DEMOCRAT –About 17 percent identify INDEPENDENT –About 12 percent identify as “SOMETHING ELSE” Take-away Points?
Identification: Central American Central American Origin –14 percent REPUBLICAN –32 percent DEMOCRAT –31 percent INDEPENDENT –6 percent SOMETHING ELSE –“Leaners” 47 percent DEM
Identification: South American South American Origin –17 percent REPUBLICAN –36 percent DEMOCRAT –28 percent INDEPENDENT –10 percent SOMETHING ELSE –“Leaners” 47 percent DEM
Implications of all of this? Are Latino/as monolithic, in terms of partisanship? What do these sliver of data suggest for the future? (If anything) August 2009 CA. Field Poll: –Republican: 79% WNH –Democrat: 55% WNH Can we detect a political identity? It seems clear, however, why Latinos matter! We need to look at population statistics.