1 Autmonet 2007 Workshop 4 sept. Michel Moens
2 The effect of sewer overflows and the treatment plant on the waterquality of the Dommel at Eindhoven the Netherlands About the project Monitoring plan Monitoring devices Monitoring in practice Data collection en data management Results Future
3 Participants Waterboard the Dommel (monitoring surface water) Municipality of Eindhoven (monitoring sewers, rainfall) IMD (maintenance) vd Linden Pomptechniek (maintenance) ARCADIS (data management)
4 Planning disconnecting paved area cleaning up sand-catch devices in surface water 2006 increase capacity of treatment plant to m3/h storage settling tank Kosmoslaan, m increase internal storage + RTC
5 Objectives Knowing the effects of the measures on the pollutant discharge To get insight in the effects of the pollutant discharge on the surface water quality
6 Quality 7x discontinue waterquality monitoring points 3x automatic sampling units surface water 2x automatic sampling units overflow water 1x automatic particle meter effluent 6x oxygen meters 2x turbidity meters waterground research biologic research
10 Quantity 3x discharge surface water (weir + waterlevel) 3x discharge/waterlevel treatment plant 2x waterlevel surface water 4x rainfall 29x waterlevel sewer overflows
14 Sampling units surface water WTP: start sampling on waterlevel sewer overflow V. vd Heuvellaan (-25 cm) Soeterbeek: start sampling on oxygen level effluent WTP Kerkhoef: start sampling on waterlevel sewer overflow Kosmoslaan (-25 cm) Telemetry: SMS Problems: -Finding locations (private properties, electricity) -SMS signal, SIM-cards -Time-frequency sampling -Organization bottles lab -Vandalism
15 Sampling units overflow water V. vd Heuvellaan : start sampling when waterlevel 50 cm below weir level Kosmoslaan : start sampling when waterlevel 50 cm below weir level Telemetry: direct connection Problems: -Changing location (SST) -Choice of sampling volume (100 500 m3) -1 liter not enough for analyzing COD, BOD, SS, Zn, Cu, P-tot, N-Kj (combining 2 bottles) -Too high waterlevel (too small pipe diameter) -Sampling time too slow (15 min 3 min) -Handling the sampling unit (different persons) -Need for extra bottles (delivery time) -Organizing bottles lab
16 WS316 INLINEcut (ODS) in-line cutting device pump sampling pump starts 10 cm below first sample moment
17 Oxygen meters Telemetry: stand alone Location: nearby watermills (cooperation private-public) Sampling time: 5 minutes Endress & Hauser, Licquisys-s com 223 (optical) Problems: -Not in the middle of the river (too expensive) -Floating material (polluted sensors) -Angry miller (took out the device) -Maintenance (1x pro 3 mnth 1x pro 1 mnth) -Molest (city centre) -Changing keys (unknown)
19 Calibration results april and june 2007 Before calibration (mg/l) After calibration (mg/l) Comments Effluent3,44,9Algae Effluent5,05,7Algae STP7,48,0Floating dirt STP6,67,5Floating dirt Collse watermill--Lock has been changed Collse watermill1,95,8Sensor polluted Hooijdonkse wm3,56,5Membraan defect, new one Hooijdonkse wm3,05,0- Seperate point8,49,3Sensor broken off Separate point7,78,1Sensor broken off
20 Sensor Flow direction
21 Turbidity meters Telemetry: direct connection Location: in the manhole of the overflow sampling unit Sampling time: 1x pro minute Dr. Lange, solitax T-line Problems: -High water level during dry weather flow -Floating material attaching to device
24 Datacollection and datamanagement Waterboard quality data -effluent -surface water -overflow water Waterboard quantity data Municipality quantity data IMd oxygen en calibration data vd Linden rainfall and turbidity data Logbook data Starting measurements in 2000
26 Data management with Viewmaster
27 Viewmaster All data stored in one database Access to all data by internet Quantity data and quality data and logbook information together Yearly management reports Datavalidation and data verification tools Statistical analysis