ESDS International Annual Conference 2011 Understanding the world: evidence and impact Institute of Materials, London 28 November 2011
ESDS International Part of the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS), funded by ESRC and JISC. Led by Mimas at Manchester University and UK Data Archive at Essex University. Provides the UK academic community with free web-based access to a range of key international macro databanks produced by organisations such as the United Nations, OECD and World Bank. Helps users to locate and acquire international micro level datasets
About today Purpose of today: To provide an opportunity for data users and providers to meet and share their ideas on issues relating to international data research. To hear more about recent data developments from the producers of international data. To provide a platform for postgraduate researchers to present their work to an informed audience. To build new networks in the international data community. Slides will be available on web after conference
Poster competition Please add your stickers below the researchers poster(s) you liked the most. A winner and runner up prize will be awarded at 5pm.
The UK Data Service A new UK Data Service (UKDS) will be launched in Sept 2012 The new service will bring together current ESRC data services into a single resource to provide a more unified, simpler and seamless access to data resources This includes the data currently hosted by ESDS International