ICAIL 2007 DESI Workshop Panel presentation Marie-Francine Moens Centre for Law and ICT/ Department of Computer Science Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
2 Some thoughts on search Common information retrieval (cf. TREC): Simple representation of document and query: flat list of unordered words Advantages: Efficient search Flexible Satisfactory for factual information
3 Some thoughts on search Legal documents: Index on different level of abstraction: Facts, factors, issues and their relations Cf. graph representation Question: can exhibit similar levels of abstraction
4 Some thoughts on search Need for novel retrieval models (beyond Boolean search): Probabilistic models: e.g., inference network models (Turtle & Croft, 1992), language models (Lafferty & Croft, 2003) Graph based models of search (experience in Cased based reasoning research by e.g., Ashley, Aleven) Interactive models (combine ranking and exploration)?
5 Some thoughts on toolkit Different toolkit: would have to define in advance which tools you use for which collection But, but you do not know in advance the interest/questions of users Many different document representations?