Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Sustainable Energy Systems Wiktor RALDOW New and Renewable Energy Sources Directorate General for.


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Sustainable Energy Systems Wiktor RALDOW New and Renewable Energy Sources Directorate General for Research January 2003

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  EU to become the most dynamic knowledge- based economy  Promoting sustainable development  Improving education, training and innovation Creating a “single market” in research: integration as opposed to fragmentation increased investments in research European Research Area Strategy for new research policy in Europe

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Research actions within Sustainable Energy Systems aim at sustainable, secure and affordable energy supply through  reducing greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions  increasing security of energy supply  increasing the share of renewable energy sources  improving energy efficiency  improving competitiveness of EU energy industry  improving quality of life within EU and globally

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Implementation principles Creation of the European Research Area in sustainable energy systems:  Focus on priorities, selective calls  Priority use of the new instruments  Mid-term review

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Implementation instruments  Integrated Projects (IP)  Networks of Excellence (NoE)  Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP)  Co-ordination Actions (CA)  Specific Support Actions (SSA) See also

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem New instruments  Integrated projects (IP) Objective-driven research to implement the priority themes - ambitious, clearly defined goals, integrated activities  Networks of excellence (NoE) Centered around an ambitious Joint programme of activities (JPA) and aiming at durable integration

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Participants Wishing a Progressive and Lasting Integration of Research Capacities Joint Program of Activities (JPA) Merging national or regional activities for improved competitiveness and sustainability Integration by Specialisation and complementarity, Common use of infrastructures, Interactive working, Joint training Objectives To strengthen EU S&T Excellence and assemble EU Research Capacities Restructuring, Integration, Advancing Knowledge Networks of Excellence EC Contribution to the Integration of Resources

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Traditional instruments  Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Support research focused on specific topics of an exploratory and/or high-risk innovative nature  Co-ordination Actions (CA) Aim at networking and co-ordination of research and innovation activities  Specific Support Actions (SSA) Aim at supporting the implementation of the running programme, pilot ERA initiatives and preparation of future activities. In particular, SSAs can aim at facilitating the participation of partners from Candidate Countries and SMEs

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Short and medium term impact (DG TREN)  Medium and long term impact (DG RTD) Sustainable Energy Systems (810 M€) A part of Priority 6: Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Short and medium-term (SM) research actions FocusIntegrated demonstration actions ImpactAccelerate market penetration with emphasis on 2010 energy policy objectives RisksTechnological but also market / financial Policy aimsEnergy policy (serving research and associated policies)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Medium and long-term (ML) research actions FocusResearch, including prototypes and pilot plants ImpactTechnology development (wide exploitation beyond 2010) RiskScientific / technological Policy aimsResearch policy (serving energy and associated policies)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Short and medium-term research actions (405 M€)  Clean energy, in particular renewables Cost effective supply Large scale integration  Energy savings and energy efficiency Eco-buildings Polygeneration  Alternative motor fuels

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Clean energy Bringing next generation technologies to the market  Cost effective supply of renewable energy Electricity from  biomass and/or waste derived fuels  wind  photovoltaics  other renewable energy sources Heating and cooling from renewable energy sources Production and processing of liquid and gaseous biofuels  Large scale integration of renewable energy sources (incl. managing energy demand)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Eco-buildings design, construction and operation of new / refurbished buildings building stock’s energy performance  Polygeneration energy technologies for providing electricity, heating, cooling and/or other energy products and services fuel cells, hydrogen, renewable energy sources in the energy system decentralised generation Energy savings and energy efficiency Contributing substantially to EU targets

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Innovative Energy Technologies Large scale integration Sustainable Communities  Renewable energy sources  Eco-buildings  Polygeneration Concerto

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Integration of alternative fuels into the transport system  Well to wheel approach: feedstock, production, storage, distribution and use  Strategies for market penetration  Testing implementation and transition strategies for Clean Urban Transport (Civitas II) Alternative motor fuels Focus on biofuels, natural gas and H 2 Substituting 20% of diesel / gasoline

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Fuel cells, including their applications  New technologies for energy carriers (hydrogen and electricity)  New and advanced concepts in renewable energy technologies  Capture and sequestration of CO 2  Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy Medium and long-term research actions (405 M€)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Fuel cells Developing competitive fuel cell systems  Fuel cells development low temperature FC high temperature FC  System development for : domestic and industrial co-generation and air-conditioning power generation (0.5-5 MW) portable power systems small road vehicles heavy duty transportation

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Energy carriers: Hydrogen Preparing for large scale utilization of hydrogen in the energy system  Clean production  Infrastructure (distribution and storage)  Basic materials  Safety  Hydrogen economy

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Energy carriers: Electricity Transforming electricity grids to energy service networks  Systems and components for large scale use of distributed energy resources  Energy storage and systems for grid connected applications  Enabling technologies for interactive networks

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Renewable energy technologies  Photovoltaics  Biomass and bioenergy  Other areas such as wind geothermal ocean concentrated solar thermal

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem RET: Photovoltaics Making PV-electricity more competitive  Concepts and materials for next generation solar cells  Processing and manufacturing technologies for PV modules and cells  PV components and systems  PV in the built environment

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem RET: Biomass and bio-energy Producing cheaper and cleaner bio-energy  Combustion technologies  Gasification systems  Biofuels for transport and fuel cells  Energy from bio-residues and energy crops

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem CO 2 capture and sequestration Looking for reliable, cost-efficient solutions  Post-combustion capture  Pre-combustion capture  Geological sequestration  Chemical / mineral sequestration

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy Developing models and tools to study social and economic issues related to new energy technologies  energy external costs  social issues related to implementation of energy technologies, incl. ethics  quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Some other energy related activities  Euratom programme for nuclear research  Specific research activities for SMEs  Marie Curie actions  Research infrastructures  RTD supporting European policies  Specific measures in support of International co-operation  ERA NET scheme - co-ordination of national activities

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Sustainable Energy Systems 2003 and 2004 calls for proposals 2003 and 2004 calls for proposals

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Road map  Yearly calls  mid-term review of the work programme (and the road map)  call texts specify which areas are open and for which instruments  common (FP6) evaluation criteria and thresholds  list of topics for IP and NoE proposals previous submission of an EoI gives no preference to any proposals possible competition between and within research topic areas  specified areas for STREP proposals

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Road map 18 March M€198M€~ 65% for new instruments December M€4M€ (*) ~ 65% for new instruments December 2004 December 2005 Total405M€405M€ S. M. BudgetClosing dates M. L. Comments To be decided (*) Specific Support Actions + Co-ordination Actions

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Clean Energy (call 2003.SM) IPSTREP  Large innovative wind turbines, components and design tools  Low cost photovoltaic modules with integrated dc/ac inverters  Combinations of biomass and wastes with fossil fuels  Innovative wind turbines, components and design tools  Transfer to industrial scale of a new generation of PV technologies  Geothermal energy Cost-effective supply Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Co-ordination Actions and Specific Support Action for Concerto preparation

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Eco- buildings: architecture for low-energy demand buildings integration of RET and energy efficient solutions low energy construction and/or retrofitting innovative building management systems  Polygeneration : NOT OPEN Energy savings and efficiency (call 2003.SM) IP (*) and STREP (*) Integrated Projects will use a comprehensive approach and include all the areas above

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Proposals should focus on bio-fuels and/or hydrogen  Integration into the transport system  Demonstration of production, storage and distribution from RES  Demonstration of new ways of using alternative fuels  Strategies and tools to monitor and stimulate market demand  Assessment and monitoring of research activities (*) Integrated Projects will address the entire fuel chain, the so-called "well to wheel" approach Alternative Motor Fuel (call 2003.SM) IP (*) and STREP

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Cost-effective supplyYES Large scale integrationYES (Concerto preparation) Eco-buildingsNO PolygenerationNO Alternative motor fuelYES Coordination Actions Specific Support Actions (call 2003.SM)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Clean Energy (call 2004.SM) Cost-effective supply Integration of Renewable Energy Sources NOT OPEN IPSTREP  RES electricity  Medium and low temperature RES based heating and cooling  Polygeneration  Liquid and gaseous biofuels  CONCERTO Managing energy demand and renewable energy supply in high performance communities

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP only Energy saving and efficiency (call 2004.SM)  CONCERTO Managing energy demand and renewable energy supply in high performance communities Proposals for only eco-building or for only polygeneration will not be considered in this call

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  CIVITAS II CIty-VITAlity - Sustainability Testing implementation and transition strategies for clean urban transport A joint initiative with Sustainable Surface Transport priority. Alternative Motor Fuel (call 2004.SM) IP only

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Cost-effective supplyNO Large scale integrationYES Eco-buildingsNO PolygenerationNO Alternative motor fuelYES Coordination Actions Specific Support Actions (call 2004.SM)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP and NoESTREP  Fuel cell systems for power generation, combined heat/cold and power, and mobile applications  Solid polymer fuel cell for stationary and transport applications  Materials, processes, components and systems for Proton Exchange Membrane and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells  Fuel cell systems for small portable applications  "Next generation" of advanced computational models and simulation tools Fuel cells (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP and NoESTREP  Novel routes for hydrogen production  Assessment of components and systems for safety critical functions  Hydrogen production and purification from fossil, renewable and other sources  Hydrogen storage media and related infrastructure  Preparing for hydrogen as an energy carrier in next generation sustainable energy systems  Safety of hydrogen technologies and applications Hydrogen (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP and NoESTREP  Transmission systems  Energy storage technologies for grid-connected applications  Development of devices based on high temperature superconductors  Demand driven solutions for large scale implementation of Distributed Energy Resources  Concepts and components for power networks with high Distributed Energy Resources penetration  Advanced energy storage systems for RES. Electricity (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP and NoE  Thin-film PV technologies with higher efficiency / cost ratio  Crystalline Si modules costing below 1€/Wp  High efficiency PV through better utilisation of the solar spectrum  Organic solar cells  PV concentration  Innovative concepts for PV in buildings  PV systems for MW-size plants Photovoltaics (call 2003.ML) STREP

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem IP and NoESTREP  Biofuel production systems from ligno-cellulosic feedstock  Hydrogen rich gas from multiple biomass feedstocks  Overcoming barriers to the development of bio-energy production systems  Environmentally friendly biomass combustion technologies  Production and coupling of biofuels to fuel cells  Energy from bio-residues and energy crops Biomass and bio-energy (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Wind - new concepts and designs  Ocean (tidal and wave) energy - cheaper and safer systems  Concentrated solar thermal - components and systems, incl. solar reactors  Geothermal energy - enhanced geothermal systems Other Renewable Energy Technologies (call 2003.ML) STREP only

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Pre-combustion capture technologies for CO 2  Post-combustion capture technologies for CO 2  CO 2 capture and geological sequestration  Chemical/ mineral sequestration of CO 2  Transport of CO 2  CO/H 2 and/or CO 2 /H 2 separation in pre-combustion capture CO 2 capture and sequestration (call 2003.ML) IP and NoESTREP

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  Quantification of energy externalities  Social issues related to implementation of medium and long term energy technologies  Quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods IP and NoESTREP Socio-economic (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Fuel cellsYES Energy CarriersYES Renewable EnergyYES CO2 capture and sequestrationYES Energy strategyYES Coordination Actions Specific Support Actions (call 2003.ML)

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Specific Support Actions (call 2004.ML) Fuel cellsYES Energy CarriersYES Renewable EnergyYES CO2 capture and sequestrationYES Energy strategyYES

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Please remember  Topics and areas are given in the Call text  There are no thresholds for the size of the project but there are, for example, 19 topics for new instruments and 23 areas for STREPs in the ML Call and the budget of the Call is given  Previous submission of an EoI will have no bearing on the proposal evaluation.  There may be competition between proposals across and within topics and areas.

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Please consider  Policy context, research and energy policies  Integration of partners from Associated Candidate Countries  SME participation (15% of the FP6 budget)  International co-operation

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Sustainable Energy Systems Proposal submission and evaluation

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem FP6 InfoPack Documents to consult during proposal preparation:  Brochure “FP6 in Brief”  Work Programme Specific  Call for Proposals Specific  Guide for Proposers Instrument specific  Guidelines on proposal evaluation procedures Common All available on the “call pages” of CORDIS

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem How to submit a proposal  Proposal Preparation Tool available online early 2003 Electronic submission Submission on CD-ROM or diskette Submission on paper  Paper versions of forms also in the InfoPack DEADLINES TIME AND DATE ARE ABSOLUTE

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Content of a proposal  Part A set of forms, specific to each instrument, collecting basic information about the proposal and proposers  Part B proposal text, in a format set out in the Guide for Proposers for that instrument

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Part B of a proposal  Structured format inviting proposers to address the issues that the proposal will be evaluated against  IPs and NoEs : management-level description of the entire project; detailed Work Plan for the first 18 months  STREPs, CAs and SSAs : detailed description of the Work Plan for the entire project

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Proposal evaluation  All eligible proposals will be evaluated against published criteria which vary by instrument  Each criteria has a threshold mark which a proposal must achieve to be considered for funding  All criteria have equal weight  An overall threshold is also fixed Evaluation criteria are detailed in Annex B of the Work Programme and in the Guidelines for Evaluators

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Evaluation criteria CRITERIONIPNoESTRPCASSA Overall threshold score24/3020/2521/3021/3017.5/25 Relevance3/53/53/53/54/5 Potential impact3/53/53/53/53/5 S&T excellence4/54/5 Quality of the consortium3/53/53/5 Quality of the management3/53/53/53/5 Mobilisation of resources3/53/53/53/5 Excellence of the participants3/5 Degree of integration and the JPA4/5 Organisation and management3/5 Quality of the co-ordination4/5 Quality of the support action3/5

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Evaluation process 1  Single stage submission procedure full proposal  “Peer review” evaluation - independent experts eligibility check, ethics considerations individual evaluation by several experts consensus report with additional questions to be asked in the event of hearings panel evaluation possibility of hearings of proposers to clarify specific questions Outcome : list of proposals with final marks, as advice to the Commission. All co-ordinators will receive an Evaluation Summary Report.

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Evaluation process 2  Commission ranked list on the basis of the advice from the evaluators  Commission short list proposals for immediate negotiation  Commission reserve list to be negotiated if funds become available  Commission rejection decision for all proposals that will not be funded

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Negotiation and contract issues  Projects can only be funded following a successful negotiation. Administrative details Legal and financial aspects Technical content of the project  Commission negotiators take account of comments from the evaluators.  Deadlines to be respected - otherwise the Commission can terminate the negotiation. Separate guidelines will be issued regarding the negotiation procedure

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Where to get help  Commission Helpdesks for Energy  National Contact Points  Information days  Pre-proposal check  Partner search facilities on CORDIS Details and addresses are provided in the InfoPack.

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Calls for experts  Call addressed to organisations to propose lists of prospective independent experts  Call addressed to individuals for the establishment of a database of prospective independent experts  Online submission via CORDIS  The call is open throughout FP6

Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem  CORDIS:  EUROPA:  Energy research web site:  DG Energy and Transport web site: Staying informed