The Pathway to Success Goal IV Strengthen & Leverage Programs of Strength and Promise 2 nd Annual Strategic Planning Stakeholders Conference Thursday,


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Presentation transcript:

The Pathway to Success Goal IV Strengthen & Leverage Programs of Strength and Promise 2 nd Annual Strategic Planning Stakeholders Conference Thursday, March 31, 2011

STRENGHTEN AND LEVERAGE PROGRAMS OF DISTINCTION AND PROMISE Strengthen and leverage the programs that have been designated programs of distinction or promise, to bring greater prominence to them and to the University as a whole.

BENCHMARK INDICATORS By the year 2010, Indiana State University will: define the methodology and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of programs of national and regional distinction or promise define an ongoing system to enable new programs of distinction and promise to be identified and supported; and develop strategic plans for programs currently identified as programs of distinction and promise

BENCHMARK INDICATORS (CONTINUED) By the year 2014, Indiana State University will: increase resources provided to programs of distinction and promise complete an evaluation of all programs of distinction and promise based upon the criteria and methodology established by 2010; and document that 75 percent of programs of distinction and promise will be meeting or exceeding expectations defined by the criteria and methodology established by 2010

SUMMARY OF 2010 REPORT Objectives By May 31, 2010 appoint a new Distinctive Program Oversight Committee (DPOC) By May 31, 2010 DPOC must define a systematic assessment system that validates the efforts and success of each program in meeting its goals By October 30, 2010, each of the programs identified as Nationally Distinctive, Regionally/State Distinctive or a Program of Promise will prepare a report summarizing how the investment by the University has assisted the program in achieving its goals.

2010 Summary (Continued) By December 1, 2010, each of the current programs may submit a five-year strategic plan which outlines the vision for the program and how an additional investment by the University will assist the program in achieving its goals By March 1, 2011, DPOC will review the submitted plans and will prepare a recommendation to the Provost regarding programs for future support.

Action Summary Appointed Committee: Joshua Powers, Chair & Special Assistant to the Provost for Academic Initiatives Brad Balch, Dean, Bayh College of Education Gregory Bierly, Director, University Honors Program Leamor Kahanov, Chair, Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation Connie McLaren, Coordinator, Operations Management & Analysis Program Harry Minniear, Chair, Aviation Technology Virgil Sheets, Chair, Department of Psychology Dawn Underwood, Director of Sponsored Programs Biff Williams, Dean, College of Nursing Health, and Human Services Robert English, Associate Vice President

Action Summary (Cont.) Evaluated existing programs of distinctions and promise and made recommendations to Provost Totally modified process and timeline Created more intellectual excitement on campus than we have seen in a number of years. Transformed Distinctive Programs to the UNBOUNDED POSSIBILITIES INITIATIVE

UNBOUNDED POSSIBILITIES INITIATIVE WHAT IS IT? The Unbounded Possibilities Initiative is a system by which investment is made in areas of current or potential strength, that meet societal needs, and that help to bring positive external notoriety to the university.

UNBOUNDED POSSIBILITIES INITIATIVE WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Society needs higher education more than ever. Yet, our institutions are not always optimally able to respond to those needs via the mechanisms and structures we have created to conduct our work. Other IHEs have been particularly effective at building a culture that recognizes the advantages of building collaborations across units and disciplines and leveraging that for institutional mission and vision advancement. Arizona State University Video Link

UNBOUNDED POSSIBILITIES INITIATIVE How Is It Different? While still enabling existing departments and programs to be eligible for support, this new process emphasizes collaborations that cross traditional disciplinary or institutional boundaries. This mechanism has proven especially effective at other institutions for enhancing institutional quality and external recognition. The new process places a strong emphasis on projects that start with a clear external need in mind with a plan for how that need will get addressed.

UPI Timeline 1/24/11Campus Announcement 1/24 – 3/30Campus education, concept development, & proposal development 3/31Concept Papers due and review begins 4/1 – 5/1Announcements of invitations 5/3 – 9/19 Full Proposal Development 9/20 – 10/31Proposal Review 11/1Public Announcement

UPI Criteria What are the criteria? (1) how it advances institutional distinction through addressing a societal need(s), (2) how it contributes to the vision and mission of ISU, (3) how it aligns with one or more element of the ISU Strategic Plan, (4) the nature of collaboration reflected in the project, (5) a plan for the use of the funds to achieve measurable outcomes and the potential for leveraging external resources.

FUNDING $5 million over five years (approximately $1.5 million envisioned to be allocated for year 1) Investment will be a combination of one-time funding and base budget funding.

Goal 4: Strengthen and Leverage Programs of Distinction and Promise Audit Report 2 nd Annual Strategic Planning Stakeholders Conference Thursday, March 31, 2011

Goal 4: Two Initiatives Initiative 1: Strengthen Programs of Distinction and Promise Initiative 2: Create a Center for Rural Studies

Goal 4, Initiative 1 Unbounded Possibilities as successor to Programs of Distinction & Promise – Significant progress achieved with UP – New timeline, but appropriate for major reconceptualization of initiative – Lots of info to campus; clear criteria and process – Chief concern: what to do about excellent but unfunded proposals?  Already working on it

Goal 4, Initiative 1 Wrap up of Programs of Distinction/Promise – Summative reports from original 17 programs collected – Final allocation of funds to complete some of the projects – Final report on successes and achievements of this initiative will be prepared

Goal 4, Initiative 2 Creation of a Center for Rural Studies – Less progress achieved, although momentum perhaps starting to build Initiative Chair assessed need last summer, started interactions with state-level partners Slow buy-in by ISU faculty and staff, but Initiative Team now in place – Based on assessed need and existence of similar centers, proposal for Rural-Urban Entrepreneurship Development Institute (RUEDI)

Goal 4, Initiative 2 Questions/Concerns: – Slow development of faculty/staff interest Is there adequate faculty/staff expertise and interest at ISU? If not, how to acquire (if we can)? – No allocation of major funds (unlike UP) RUEDI being proposed as a center of excellence under Unbounded Possibilities to obtain funding – Should Initiative 2 be folded into Initiative 1?