CONDITIONALS 1Zero 1First 1Second 1Third
ZERO CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL IF+Present Simple, Present Simple PUSES.Facts: Things that are always true PEXAMPLES ìIf you heat ice, it melts
FIRST CONDITIONAL FIRST CONDITIONAL IF+Present Simple, WILL PUSE.Conditions probable to be fulfilled PEXAMPLES ìIf the weather is good, I will go to the beach
SECOND CONDITIONAL SECOND CONDITIONAL If + Past Simple, WOULD+infinitive PUSES.Talking about the PRESENT: Hypothetical situation (impossible).Talking about the FUTURE: Improbable PEXAMPLES ëIf I had a cigarette, I would give you one. ëIf she studied for the exam, she would pass.
THIRD CONDITIONAL THIRD CONDITIONAL IF+Past Perfect, WOULD+HAVE+PP PUSE.Talking about the Past: Impossibility PEXAMPLES ëIf I had studied for the exam, I would have passed
CONDITIONALS +BEFORE+NOW I know the Conditionals