AIMS A Science Wrap-Up AGENDA Forms Student registration Tuition-out students Test materials NCSC Assessment Follow-Up Updates February procedures review
AIMS A Science Forms Completed: Test Security Agreement Forms Username and Password Request Form No Response Option Form (if needed) Assessment Test Coordinator Information Change Form (if needed) Alternate Assessment Combined Eligibility Form (maintain for reference)
AIMS A Science Procedures Completed Enter students in student selector application Notification of tuition-out students (placed outside of home district) District of residence must make sure students correctly designated to district of attendance via the SAIS system. District of attendance enters student into the student selector applica tion and tests student. District of residence has access to overall results and accountable for test completion by student. ** no notification to ADE if students attending non-home school within district or private placement
AIMS A Science Test Materials Online and performance tasks Access online through the ADE Common Logon Performance tasks mailed to district or charter Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator inventory materials received Teachers get a 1 classroom set for each grade Receipt: Return: All performance task testing materials returned to ADE Postage-paid return label provided
NCSC Reminders and Updates Updates: Example test items available in March Follow procedures for student response check to prevent closing errors Once test submitted, we cannot reopen—contact us with questions before you submit Reminders: February: Alternate Assessment Test Coordinators register students into the student selector application February: Alternate Assessment Test Coordinators request Teachers’ user ID from NCSC March: online training modules