10 reasons why Government campaigns should use Outdoor
Outdoor is available everywhere Outdoor is a national, regional and local medium and can be used imaginatively Plan government communications by postcode, health authority, proximity to schools, accident hotspot, ethnicity group, housing type… Sophisticated planning tools can customise any campaign by target group or budget
Direct communications work, and really influence behaviour Direct Government communications represent a highly cost-effective way to influence the behaviour of millions of people Wherever Government needs to encourage behaviour change, direct communications are a vital tool
On public land and property Outdoor media are frequently based on land or amenities managed by local government It makes sense for public messages to appear in a public space Outdoor is preferred comms partner for many government initiatives
Outdoor offers a truly broadcast medium: it excludes no-one The message can be seen and shared by everyone – public space is important for shaping public opinion Outdoor can also zoom in on particular audiences and environments: poorer neighborhoods, student campuses, gay nightclubs, areas of low employment etc
Historical usage Local Government and the COI have successfully used a range of outdoor to promote their varied messages Campaigns vary from tax returns to navy recruitment, dog waste to fitter lifestyles, flu jabs to drink driving, benefit claims to sexual health
Outdoor can place messages in the most relevant places The relevant placement of the ad can place content at exactly the right time and location Outdoor will let you target a very wide range of environments
Outdoor is a creative visual medium Strong creative work can convey the message in a powerful way Outdoor is the strongest visual medium, with the ability to grab attention and etch a message into the brain
Longevity of message = more chance of reaching target with high frequency Unlike other media the message will be displayed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week That means a chance for everyone to see it, potentially many times No other medium combines the twin virtues of high cover and high frequency
Outdoor: still the political parties’ favourite announcement vehicle Outdoor’s share of political parties’ advertising at the last general election was 30%*, and 59%* in the case of the Conservatives When it’s a question of winning public support for a cause, outdoor always has a role to play *Source: NMR Mar-May 2010, all media inc door drops, online and direct mail
Outdoor: proven effective in communicating key messages There are many examples where government, political organisations and charities have used outdoor effectively These campaigns show an excellent return on advertising investment in engagement and message outtake
Source: YouGov survey of 1,692 respondents, May 2011 Public sector campaigns get noticed “ Which of the following have you seen advertised recently using outdoor advertising – Public sector messages (e.g. paying taxes, road safety, not drinking and driving)?”
Source: YouGov survey of 1,692 respondents, May 2011 Health campaigns get noticed on outdoor “ Which of the following have you seen advertised recently using outdoor advertising – Health matters (e.g. flu jabs, stopping smoking, eating 5 a day etc)?”