Created By: Brent Strickland, Bob Peterson and Larry Tibbs University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Special Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for permission to use the game board frame 4-H Jeopardy
Clover Power
People in 4-H
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 TriviaTripsActivities Clover Power History People in 4-H
1-100 The 1 st H in the 4-H Pledge.
1-100A What is Head? $100
1-200 The 2 nd H in the 4-H Pledge.
1-200A What is Heart? $200
H members pledge this H to larger service.
1-300A What are Hands? $300
H members pledge this H to better living.
1-400A What is Health? $400
1-500 In 1907 or 1908, the first emblem used nationally that was designed by O.H. Benson.
1-500A What is the Three-Leaf Clover? (It stood for head, heart, and hands.) $500
In 1911, O.H. Benson suggested adding this fourth H.
2-100A What is Hustle? $100
was the first time this term was used in a federal document.
2-200A What is a 4-H Club? $200
2-300 In 1927, State 4-H Leaders adopted this at the first National 4-H Club Camp.
2-300A What is the National 4-H Pledge and 4-H Motto? $300
2-400 In 1924 the following were patented.
2-400A What are the 4-H Name and Emblem? $400
2-500 This wording was added to the 4-H Pledge in 1973.
2-500A What is “and my world”? $500
This is recognized as the largest non-formal educational program in the United States.
3-100A What is 4-H? $100
3-200 These are the 4-H Colors.
3-200A What are Green & White? $200
3-300 The 4-H Motto
3-300A What is “To Make the Best Better”? $300
3-400 This phrase sums up the educational philosophy of the 4-H Youth Development Program.
3-400A What is “Learn by Doing”? $400
3-500 Indiana 4-H Members can join 4-H when they are in these grades.
3-500A What are grades 3-12? $500
Individuals who work with 4-H members at the club level.
4-100A Who are Adult 4-H Volunteers? (Including 4-H Leaders, superintendents, etc.) $100
4-200 People who are asked to help members attend meetings, select and complete projects, and assist with 4-H Club activities.
4-200A Who are 4-H Parents? $200
4-300 The county coordinator of the 4-H Program.
4-300A Who is the 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator? $300
4-400 In Indiana, 4-H leaders are considered volunteers of this university.
4-400A What is Purdue University? $400
4-500 The Indiana State 4-H Youth Development Program Leader
4-500A Who is Dr. Renee McKee? $500
One delivery method for the 4-H Program where 4-H members meet with a volunteer.
5-100A What is an Organized Club? $100
5-200 One type of 4-H delivery method that occurs in the school.
5-200A What is School Enrichment? $200
5-300 A 4-H and/or FFA activity where youth learn about a subject and test their knowledge against others.
5-300A What is a Career Development Event? $300
5-400 A county club/organization for 4-H members in grades 7-12.
5-400A What are the 4-H Junior Leaders? $400
5-500 This event is the culmination of the year for many 4-H members. Projects are exhibited at this time.
5-500A What is the County 4-H Fair? $500
A summer overnight activity for younger 4-H members. Often older 4-H members serve as counselors.
6-100A What is 4-H Camp? $100
6-200 A trip for 7 th -9 th grade students to Purdue University.
6-200A What is 4-H Round-Up? $200
6-300 One of the Science Workshops held at Purdue University each year.
6-300A What is Aerospace, Ambassador, Animal, Computer, Engineering, Entomology, Food & Nutrition, Mission to Mars, and Plant? (Any one of these answers is acceptable.) $300
6-400 A conference for teen leaders held at the University of Indianapolis.
6-400A What is State 4-H Junior Leader Conference? $400
6-500 The location of the National 4-H Center.
6-500A Where is Chevy Chase, Maryland? $500
Final category The category is 4-H on the Air Write down how much you want to wager
This was the name of 4-H’s Public Service Awareness Campaign sponsored by the National Advertising Council in 1997.
What is “Are You Into It?”
Daily Double Round 1 Double Question How much do you want to wager?