Factor Analysis Ulf H. Olsson Professor of Statistics
Ulf H. Olsson ML and GLS are asymptotically equivalent If The models holds in the population The observed variables are multivariate normal
Ulf H. Olsson Large-sample properties
Ulf H. Olsson CFA example NPV-data set Chi-square tests Modification indices T (Z)-values Df ∆chi-square tests
Ulf H. Olsson The Wald Test
Ulf H. Olsson Example of the Wald test Consider a simple regression model
Ulf H. Olsson General Fit Function
Ulf H. Olsson Making Numbers
Ulf H. Olsson Making Numbers
Ulf H. Olsson Making Numbers
Ulf H. Olsson Making Numbers
Ulf H. Olsson Two ML functions C1 and C2 k is the number of manifest variables. D is the duplication matrix (Magnus and Neudecker 1988) and is the ML estimate.
Ulf H. Olsson C3 and C4 Satorra & Bentler, 1988, equation 4.1
Ulf H. Olsson ESTIMATORS If the data are continuous and approximately follow a multivariate Normal distribution, then the Method of Maximum Likelihood is recommended. If the data are continuous and approximately do not follow a multivariate Normal distribution and the sample size is not large, then the Robust Maximum Likelihood Method is recommended. This method will require an estimate of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the sample variances and covariances.