2 Introduction What is Bloomberg? Current and Historical Price Data Economic Statistics Financial, Political, and Business News Bloomberg Basics ABCs of how to use
3 Topics How to get started Unique keyboard navigation Where do I get help? What can I find?
4 How to Get Started Bloomberg terminals are available in Lippincott Library and on the 2 nd floor of Huntsman Hall. This is an academic account No customization No automatic Excel download No investment reports, etc. Time delay on prices
5 Keyboard Navigation Unique to Bloomberg. Key function identified by color. Yellow =Market Sector Green=Action Red=log on/off
6 KEY FUNCTIONS GREEN Action Keys GO Activates all commands MENU Return to previous menu PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN Navigate between pages HELP From whatever screen you are on Type: GRAB your graph or chart Type: LAST Your command history
7 KEY FUNCTIONS YELLOW Market Sector Keys CMDTY Commodities, futures, options, spot rates CORP Corporate Debt CRNCY Spots, futures, options on over 100 currencies EQUITY Stocks, options, ADRs, mutual funds, warrants GOVT Worldwide sovereign and agency securities INDEX World financial markets, economic indices. M-MKT Continuously issued and short-term dated paper MTGE Mortgage-backed security pass-throughs MUNI U.S. municipality issued debt
8 Bloomberg Personal File Manager Follow cut & paste instructions for your Excel data and save it Type: pfm Click Compose Click Attachments Go to C:\User Select your file and left click on Attach to MSG your file
9 What Can I Find? Today’s Focus Company (Equities and Bonds) Financial Market Perspectives (Indices, Commodities, Currencies, Government securities, Economic statistics, etc.) News
10 Ways To Get Help Bloomberg Help: 8 BU Example: Type beta in the search box Bloomberg Search: SEAR Type a word at the blue cursor in the upper left Sector Help: SECTOR KEY then then Go further within the sector menu and press the Bloomberg Help Desk: Press and type your question For a response MSG or HDSK
11 Equities
12 Equities – Today’s Markets Main Equities Menu 2) Current Markets/Monitors 1) Most Active Up/Down 10) World Equity Indices
13 Equities – Finding Ticker Symbols 1) Finding and Creating Securities 1)Ticker Symbol Look Up Type company name at cursor and press SEAR [Companies, Govts, Orgs] and enter company name For related equities on other exchanges TICKER REQ IBM REQ
14 Single Equity Ticker INTC 1)Today’s Markets 27) GIT Time Intervals 2)Company Information/Desc. 1) DES
15 Single Equity INTC DES Description [Key info in one place] HP Price/yield history RV Relative value – other cos. FA Financial analysis GPO Graph and tables including open, high, low, closing price, and volume MGMT Management profile DVD Dividends and stock splits [Hist.] CH1 Company financial history CACS Corporate action calendar
16 Single Equity – Insider Trading Insider Filings History INTC CN WSA Insider Transactions INTC GPTR Insider Trading Brief Synopsis INTC DES All Stocks – Insider Trading: Insiders Monitor INSD
17 Single Equity – Options Monitor INTC OMON Call option - Example: INTC OCT NQ+JD Left click on the option, and click DES. The info appears on the second screen. Historical options - Click on the specific option you want and type: HP
18 Equity Comparative Analysis Compare an Equity to an Index Intel compared to 2 major indexes INTC COMP Compare an Equity to an Equity FDX UPS
19 Equities Bloomberg M&A Analysis MA Mergers and Acquisitions Search M&A League Table Search Mergers and Acquisitions Statistics Mergers and Acquisitions News Top Stories Corporate Finance
20 Equities Earnings Analysis BBEA 9) United States 1) All Earnings 2) Positive Surprises 3) Negative Surprises Quarterly Company & Industry Analysis 21) Industry Rankings: Net Income
21 Equities Screen for companies that meet financial (for example, P/E ratio, market cap), geographic, and industry criteria. SRCM - Equity Search Enter your criteria and press 1 to save criteria and run search Search Example: P/E ratio between 5 and 10 Country: United States Exchange: New York
22 Bonds
23 Bonds Main Bond Menu 1) Finding and Creating Securities 4) FAS Finding a Security Specific Issuer IBM Specific Bond {Ticker} {Coupon} {Maturity} IBM /30/25
24 Bonds IBM DES Description of bond CRPR Current & historical debt ratings HP Historical price and yield YTC Yield to call analysis YAS Yield spread analysis TRA Total return analysis RATD Rating scales and definitions for Moody’s, S&P, etc.
25 Custom Bond Search To screen for bonds SRCH Enter your criteria: Coupon, Maturity, Price, Country, Currency, etc.
26 Market Perspectives An Overview of Global Financial and Economic Markets
27 Market Perspectives – Financial Sector World Bond Markets Historical prices and yields on global benchmark bonds Example: WB Choose UST 30yr 10) Historical Prices 1) HP and then change date in amber field
28 Market perspectives – Financial Sector Government Bonds Main Menu Generic Government Rates GGR Federal Open Market Committee Announcements and Policy Changes FOMC Includes U.S.Treasury yield curves
29 Market Perspectives – Financial Sector World Equity Market Indexes Intra-day changes and historical prices Example: WEI Choose S&P 500 Choose Historical Prices Choose HP Change date Find the companies in the S&P 500 Index from 1990-present SPX DES Choose 5) MEMB [Click on EDIT and change the date]
30 Market Perspectives ECO Economic Releases Click on Change Date (Data back to 1996) IMF Up to 50 Years of monthly financial and economic data on over 200 countries
31 Market Perspectives Find the Unemployment Rate for the US ESNP Use to display the economic statistics of a specific country. ESNP Choose country (example: United States) Choose Unemployment Rate Find the CPI for the United States ECST: Use to display current and historical economic statistics ECST Choose country (example: United States) Then choose CPI
32 Market Perspectives Currencies 2) Current Markets/Monitors 7) Currency Rates or WCR 6) World Exchange Rates by Region or TKC 1) Major Currencies 9) World Currency Value or WCV
33 Market Perspectives Commodity and financial futures, options, forwards and spot rates Example: Find Coffee Prices for the United States 5) Agriculture/Soft Commodities 1) Global Commodity Prices and Data or CMDX 17) United States 5) Coffee 5) New York Cash Price
34 News
35 News Main News Menu N Top Stories (Top business, financial, and general news stories from around the world) TOP General News on specific companies CPNY Choose 1) All Company News
36 Bloomberg 101 Please feel free to contact a Lippincott Librarian if you have any questions Phone: