Theories of Science 3. Transdisciplinarity and New Modes of Knowledge Production
What is Transdisciplinarity? ”Knowledge which emerges from a particular context of application with its own distinct theoretical structures, research methods and modes of practice but which may not be locatable on the prevailing disciplinary map.” Michael Gibbons et al, The New Production of Knowledge. Sage: 1994, p168
A Brief History of Science Policy 1940s-1950s: policy for science 1940s-1950s: policy for science emphasis on research and disciplines emphasis on research and disciplines research orientation: capacity building research orientation: capacity building 1960s-1970s: science in policy 1960s-1970s: science in policy emphasis on technological development emphasis on technological development applied orientation: problem-solving applied orientation: problem-solving 1980s-90s: innovation policy 1980s-90s: innovation policy emphasis on commercialization emphasis on commercialization product orientation: global competiveness product orientation: global competiveness
Changing Modes of Knowledge Production Mode 1 Mode 1½Mode 2 Mode 1 Mode 1½Mode 2 ( Little Science) (Big Science)(Technoscience) ( Little Science) (Big Science)(Technoscience) Before WWII 1940s-1960s1970s- Before WWII 1940s-1960s1970s- Type of Knowledge disciplinary multidisciplinarytransdisciplinary Organiza- tional form research groups R&D institutions ad hoc networks Dominant values academic bureaucraticentrepreneurial Examples biology atomic energygenetic engineering
Contextual Differences Mode 1 Mode 2 Fundingprogram supportproject-specific nationaltransnational work sitesuniversitycommercial departmentsnetworks framingdisciplinaryparticular context devicematrixof application
Cognitive Differences Mode 1 Mode 2 cumulativediscontinuous unifiedpluralist universalspecific cooperativecompetitive objectiveconstructive paradigmaticsituated
Planning Sciences in Mode 1 primarily technical methods primarily technical methods strongly institutionalized strongly institutionalized academic departments by sector academic departments by sector instrumental rationality instrumental rationality
Urban Planning in Mode 1 Urban Planning in Mode 1 Disciplinary identity: Disciplinary identity: a field of (social) engineering Academic theories: Academic theories: mostly geographical and physical mostly geographical and physical Administrative applications: Administrative applications: primarily related to local/county government primarily related to local/county government
Environmental Management in Mode 1 Disciplinary identity: Disciplinary identity: a field of (civil) engineering Academic theories: Academic theories: mostly physical-chemical and hydraulic Administrative applications: Administrative applications: primarily related to municipal authorities
The Planning Sciences in Mode 2 collaborative, interactive methods collaborative, interactive methods often temporary projects in networks often temporary projects in networks departments across the sectors departments across the sectors communicative rationality communicative rationality
Urban Planning in Mode 2 Hybrid competence: Hybrid competence: social sciences and engineering Transdisciplinary theories: Transdisciplinary theories: both social and natural – technonatural complexity Process orientation: Process orientation: mobility, sustainability, participation
Environmental Management in Mode 2 hybrid competence: hybrid competence: business management and engineering business management and engineering transdisciplinary theories: transdisciplinary theories: focus on organizations and institutions focus on organizations and institutions process orientation: process orientation: social and technical innovations