Establishing the Knowledge Base…
We live in a beautiful state
with tremendous environmental variety
What do we know about the condition of the environment in Texas? Work in groups to identify and locate environmental issues in Texas.
Environmental issues affect Texans everywhere… Air quality in all cities is a matter of concern.
Issues… Oil rich regions face the threat of abandoned oil wells leaking into underground water supplies
Issues… The Rio Grande no longer flows to the Gulf of Mexico
Issues… Killer bees, fire ants, dengue fever spreading mosquitoes are spreading across the state
Issues… Agricultural run- off, including pesticides. Herbicides, and fertilizers affect water supplies on land and at sea
Issues… The Black Footed Ferret, the Attwater Prairie Chicken, and other species are threatened, endangered, and disappearing
Issues… Introduced plants threaten Texas wildflowers and biodiversity statewide
Issues… Urban growth and economic development are affected by water shortages
Issues… Neighborhoods throughout Dallas, Houston, El Paso and elsewhere are threatened by toxic releases from aging industries
Issues… Extreme weather and climate events such as floods, droughts are more common
Issues… Natural environments have been altered, wetlands drained, dunes leveled with devastating effects on living creatures
Texans face many environmental management issues
It’s Important… These issues are sensitive, significant, and demand careful consideration for the sake of our children
A new approach… Combine programs to preserve and protect the environment with market- based solutions to environmental problems Financial incentives to guide the use of the environment
New approach… The economic health of Texas depends upon the health of its environment It’s our duty to prepare the next generation to preserve our heritage