16/07/2015 Inmarsat C Tracking Tore Flobakk MARINTEK
16/07/2015 Transponder and Inmarsat C Tracking Tracing with Inmarsat C in not an alternative to tracking with transponders. Transponder tracking supports “real time” applications and offers navigation assistance Transponder tracking supports Ship-Ship and Ship-Shore. Inmarsat C tracking is “slower” but offers coverage in open sea. Inmarsat C tracking supports Ship-Shore.
16/07/2015 Inmarsat C tracking : Communications Eik groundstation Vessel
16/07/2015 Communication Eik groundstation ModemPhone lineModemUser
16/07/2015 Inmarsat C tracking: User interface New users should realise that it takes time to get started and implement a stable system. The interface software requires: Modem control Compact binary protocol No checksum available Lack of standards (protocol depends on equipment at the ground station)
16/07/2015 Applications ETA Calculations –Automatic ETA reporting Fleet Management –Wide range of optimisation situations –GIS is very useful to get a good overview and understanding of situation
16/07/2015 Field test Real life data based on a liner service with 4 vessels operating in the North Sea area Positions are reported by INMARSAT C up to 6 times a day Position reports include position, speed and course Each position report has a cost less than 0,1 USD
16/07/2015 ETA Calculation samples