M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/071 M. Bonesini INFN Milano Updates on TOF project
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/072 Outline Hot topics BTF testbeam analysis completed TOF1/2 PMTs shieldings issue TOF0/1 schedule TOF2 schedule
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/073 Completion of BTF data analysis BTF data analysis is completed and a MICE note (MICE-DET-163) has been posted Results include: intrinsic counter resolution (center bar hitting) Intrinsic counter resolution (x scan) study of time-walk (correction + use of a CF discriminators) determination of N pe ( pe) All results for Bicron BC404,BC408,BC420 and Amcrys-H UPS95F scintillators
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/074
5 Estimation of N pe N pe ~ p.e. depending on impact point, in agreement with GUIDEIT lightguide simulation
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/076 Conventional PMTs shielding TOF0 PMTs requires no shielding, aside 1 mm -metal due to small B field (B << 50 Gauss, Kevin private communication) TOF1/2 even after the 100 mm global iron shielding needs some additional shielding to use conventional PMTs (as B // ~ G, B _|_ ~ 1000 G)
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/077 Problem: R4998 can bare B _|_ but not B // B // < 50 Gauss fine; B _|_ < Gauss fine eventually additional -metal or soft iron
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/078 Advocated solutions: Solution A (“Ghislain cage”): extra shield (50 mm) connected with joints to first shield (100 mm) and local shielding of PMTs ( -metal only if 420 mm hole) Solution B: no-extra shield but heavy local shielding of PMTs a la D0 (test magnet delivered now at Bicocca)
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/079 B field with one 100 mm iron shield (current design)
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0710 B field is ~ G //; ~ 1000 G _|_ at r=30-35 cm (PMTs position) I doubt it can be shielded with individual PMTs shields, preserving good timing properties this point to 2 nd shield, but we will try to test PMTs “exotic shieldings” by building a 400 G lab solenoid My old transparency at RAL CM16 BUILT: coil with 5 windings for fields up to G
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0711 D0 tests (note # 2706) Problems: It will work for R4998 1” PMTs? Tests to be done for Gain + timing See preliminary results later
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0712 R. Bertoni, M. Bonesini INFN MIB
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0713 Preliminary tests of Fe360 Box shielding (a la D0) seems promising Needs more work: full tests with PMTs for Gain+timing Use of different iron shields : Fe360, Armco, Inox … and shapes
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0714 From presentation by G. Gregoire at PC-224 and J.Cobb at PID // session Close outer gap between to discs; thicker 2nd disc (50mm) Somewhat more complex – engineering / mounting TOFs…. G. Gregoire Shield
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0715
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0716
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0717 Problems: cabling (HV, signal, calibration fibers …) in/out alignments (1cm = 50 ps): risk to loose calibration every time you move in/out
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0718
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0719
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0720 B_r B_z G. Gregoire scheme gives very effective shielding for TOF1/2 500 gauss gauss
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0721 Solution A vs B Solution A makes life easier for TOF1, but requires an extra shield + some problems for detector access + to change PMTs you move all detector (50 ps = 1 cm !!!). Clearly it is very attractive for TOF1 if hole has a 420 mm diameter (only -metal for PMTs) Solution B: must be tested (tests have now started at MIB), easier access to detector but more bulky support
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0722 TOF0/1 project spending to completion minimal, with many worked out savings timescale dominated by funding problems (now maybe burocracy ) I will divide project in 2 phases Detector construction in-house Detector installation/commissioning at RAL
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0723 Detector construction in house material procurement: up to now no big delays All PMTs ordered Scintillator/lightguides ordered (need to define LG shape for TOF1 mainly hole radius) Electronics ordered ( status of stretcher/splitter ?) Counter assembly: mount & calibrate detectors with cosmics here delay may arise 3 months (April-June) to do this Detector plane assembly: you need to assemble X/Y planes in a rigid structure 1-2 months (July-August) to do this
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0724 Front-End electronics a baseline design has been proposed (stretcher/splitter+CAEN V1290 TDC+CAEN V1724 FADC+recuperated CAMAC LE discr) all electronic boards ordered to CAEN needs Sofia/UniGE for splitter/stretcher design&construction)+integration into DAQ
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0725 Calibration system only prisms+ fibers for injection into counters has been ordered all the rest : cheap laser source, fiber bundle to be ordered/tested/assembled as example, recent quotation from Quanta ~70K (needs clearly cheaper “non-commercial solution” …)
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0726 RAL installation/commissioning main hardware item: external supports for TOF stations, cage for TOF1 (RAL, UniGE ?) detectors shipping to RAL installation of TOF planes on external supports cabling electronic debugging debugging with beam All this is less clear to me (as an INFN approval/prompt budgeting is needed)
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0727 TOF2 project TOF2 (albeit bigger … but how much? Need to fix dimensions in the PID group: 60 x 60 cm 2 ??) is a clone of TOF1 schedule is more relaxed: it can be assembled beginning 2008, but material procurement must be in 2007
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0728 TOF2 updated costs 24/12/06 TOF2 missing costs to completion earmarked INFN investment Conv PMTs (VAT) 66KE Support mechanics+local PMT shielding 10KE Scintillators+light guides+ counter laser injection 10KE Cables 5KE Patch panels …3KE Detector assembly (including external firms) 5KE FE electronics (FADC+TDC+L.E. discr.+splitter+stretchers) 35KESplitter+stretche r+ 1TDC + 1 FADC boards 12KE HV voltage (1/3)16 KENo, recuperated Total150KE111KE39(16)KE No contingency, minimal external costs …
M. Bonesini - MICE CM CERN 24/2/0729 Conclusions up to now no big delays for TOF0/1, but “friction” will increase with time some extra help in April-June may be needed in Milano for tests/assembly external supports, cage for TOF1 (if any) at RAL clearly uncovered