CSd scanning report from LNGS Nagoya OPERA workshop January 22 nd, 2008
Extraction summary Rehearsal with cosmic rays: –Total number of passing through muons: 15 –Muons assigned to Europe: 8 1 st extraction –Total number of extracted events: 7 CC + 2 NC –Events assigned to Europe: 4 CC + 1 NC 2 nd extraction: –Total number of extracted events: 8 CC + 6 NC –Events assigned to Europe: 3 CC + 3 NC 3 rd extraction –Total number of extracted events: 9 CC –Events assigned to Europe: 5 CC 4 th extraction –Total number of extracted events: 5 CC + 1 NC –Events assigned to Europe: 3 CC Total of event assigned to Europe: 8 events from cosmic rays 19 events during the beam exposure For CS and brick handling and booking refer to
Cosmic rays rehearsal From this run we learnt that the fading effect is not affecting our emulsion on the scale of 3 4 months
Extraction 1, TT-CS residuals EventBrickDifference from Predicted slope Difference from predicted position (mm) FOG (CS1 CS2) Area (mm 2 ) CommentsBrick location CC (K) (L) 40x40FOUND (4/4) + 3 TRACKS (4/4) Bari CC x50FOUND (4/4)Napoli CC (K) (L) 92x78FOUND (4/4) + 9 OTHER (4/4) Salerno CC x72NOT FOUND (K) (L) 116x903 OTHER (4/4)Bologna NC x903 FOUND (4/4) 3 FOUND (3/4) No BMSBern x90Scanned x90Scanned x90Scanned x90Scanned
Extraction 2, TT-CS residuals EventBrickDifference from Predicted slope Difference from predicted position (mm) FOG (CS1 CS2) Area (mm 2 ) CommentsBrick location CC x53NOT FOUND (4/4)High bkg processing Napoli VETO NOT SCANNED Brick upstream* CC980>25NOT SCANNED Salerno VETO CC x42.51 OTHER (4/4)No BMS Marginal X Edge measure Napoli NOT SCANNED Adjacent brick* ???After brick analysis Ext last week NC43186NC x901 FOUND (4/4)Napoli NC22493NC x902 FOUND (3/4)Bari NC47334NC x906 FOUND (4/4)Bern * only two X ray marks
Extraction 3, TT-CS residuals EventBrickDifference from Predicted slope Difference from predicted position (mm) FOG (CS1 CS2) Area (mm 2 ) CommentsBrick location CC (K) (L) (K) (L) x43FOUND (4/4) + 1 OTHER (4/4) Lyon CC (K) (L) 56 0 (L) x70 112x84 1 COSMIC (4/4) 3 TRACKS (4/4) No BMS measure Edge measure 2 nd measure Lyon x90NOT FOUNDBrick downstream CC x36Marginal in y,x No BMS measure Edge measure ???Adjacent brick Ext last week CC x901 COSMIC (4/4)treated as NC No BMS measure ???Ext last week CC x36NOT FOUND x84NOT FOUNDBrick downstream prob = 0.10 Only 2 mark on CS ???Ext last week
Extraction 4, TT-CS residuals EventBrickDifference from Predicted slope Difference from predicted position (mm) FOG (CS1 CS2) Area (mm 2 ) CommentsBrick location CC (K) (L) (K) (L) x39FOUND (4/4)Large difference K-L Last but one wall Salerno CC (K) (L) x541 OTHER (4/4)Marginal X Edge measure Bern CC (K) (L) x66 60x40 FOUND (4/4) + 3 OTHER (4/4) + 1 COSMIC (4/4) 2 nd measure to locate the muon Bologna
Special procedure for marginal events No adhesive tape with manual operations No vacuum 4 CSd have been treated: –50834 –53024 –32462 –14621 Basically the whole emulsion surface was scanned No other tracks found
Some plots (brick 14621, 32462)
Pending events High fog CS doublets Ev –Br 980: high fog CS doublet (Salerno + VETO) Ev –Br 6048: relatively high fog CS doublet, scanned but high bkg (Napoli + VETO) –Br 5949: fog>20, not scan-able Event that needs a further analysis after brick scanning Ev –Br 50834: found one track not compatible with muon, new brick extracted last week Events not yet located, new brick extracted last week Ev –Br 11484: not found –Br 11789: prob = 10%, brick downstream, not found Ev : –Br 32462: marginal in X Ev : –Br 34698: treated as NC, not found Event not found in the brick Ev –Br 11847: it seems that there is non correspondence between bricks and CS??? Ev : –Br 14621: one good track (not the muon) not located in the brick
Due to the strong backscattering activity, the wall finding selected W18 However, wall 19 was assigned 10% probability Ev brick Now we are going to scan the 3 rd brick, waiting to be extracted W18 R9 C07
Event st brick 0.58 SM Wall, side, row, cell Event SM Wall, side, row, cell Class 1:Marginal in y,x Event – brick 32462
Ev brick 34698
Force the muon Id respectively for the first and second muon and perform BF 1)First muon (track 0, red) Event st brick 0.93 SM Wall, side, row, cell Brick N., status Kalman: slopes X,Y K: Extrapolation K: dist. from borders evt x,y mm class K: Coordinates in emu. frame x,y mm Linear slopes X,Y Linear extrap X,Y,Z Linear coordinates in emu. frame x,y mm ) Second muon (track 5, green) Event st brick 0.93 SM Wall, side, row, cell Brick N., status Kalman: slopes X,Y K: Extrapolation K: dist. from borders evt x,y mm class K: Coordinates in emu. frame x,y mm Linear slopes X,Y Linear extrap X,Y,Z Linear coordinates in emu. frame x,y mm Two bricks selected take « cum grano salis » for the systematics, I would give preference to SM Wall, side, row, cell , the track looks better reconstructed NEW BFCS Meeting 18 Oct 2007
Analysis with the second muon SM Wall, side, row, cell So we asked to extract the brick W23, R30, C13
Event exchange Event exchange will allow us to make a rehearsal –Quite large sample –Tight schedule However the analysis is not completed –Some CS pending –Scan-forth from brick to CS The proposal is to postpone for one months in order to complete the analysis (end of February)
Backup slides
Event , brick 11847
Event , brick CS1-CS2 residuals Automatic measurement Manual IDSXSYN1N2 DX ( m)DY ( m) DSXDSY DX ( m)DY ( m) DSXDSY A new measurement is performed that confirmed candidate 1 Candidate 2 was discarded because of the cut on slope_trans Candidate 3 was discarded because of the cut on slope_long Further from the 3 out of 4 search: Candidate 4 is a very good candidate Candidate 5 – 6 are less good, even candidate 6 seems not correlated
Event – brick 53024
Data quality CS event related track hunting is different job w.r.t cosmic track hunting: –Event topology (QE, NC, CC, big shower events) –Scanning time –Background level –Event multiplicity Most of our effort was devoted to event location in CS Now we need to digest the big amount of data and present a data quality analysis