CS Brick connection at Nagoya O.Sato
Sample October run Cosmic ray (4 min.) 3 Bricks Brick ID CSD FD(Chiara) ECC FD(Chiara) # /(10um)** /(10um)**3 # # ECC films is first shipment. k
Scanning Area/Condition of CSD SUTS scanned 8 x 7 cm2 Angle [-0.5,0.5] for X,Y 50 to 100 micro tracks / (100 um)**2
CSD track pick up condition Making Base tracks under tolerance (micro track angle – Base track angle) < 0.07 for each projection. Shrinkage 15% error is accepted So.. dax < *ax_base day < *ax_base Coincidence CS1 base track & CS2 base track -Allowance of CS1 & CS2 difference of base angles < difference of base track surface <50 um (each proj.) -Some lose Pulse height cut
CSD track picked up track | proj | proj d<20um manuacl check on CSD tracks 31 tracks 30 tracks not done tracks 47 tracks 44 tracks ok all real tracks 43 tracks 42 tracks not done A additional cut d<20 um Actually all 47 tracks | proj were manually checked And dropped 3 were fakes [1] Real track in CS2 but chance coincidence fake track in CS1 [2] (Compton + Fog chance coincidence) for CS1,CS2 [3] (Fog chance coincidence+ Fog chance coincidence) for CS1,CS have lower number of tracks was found. We will take CSD data again but just used for connection test.
dy dx ax ay day y x
dy dx ax ay day y x
Making Prediction on ECC pl1 ECC pl1 Most down stream one. Jump Gap :: plastic + Spider + CS box + CS pack :: 4340 um Using CS Xrays on CSD and PL1. PL1 and CSD were calibrated. Then. All tracks by final selection were scanned about 1.2mmx1.2mm by UTS. Just technical reason, Pl1 and Pl2 were independently scanned by UTS using Predictions extrapolating from CSD. k
Scanned result (# , pl1, UTS)
scanned result (# , Pl2, UTS)
scanned result (# , Pl1, UTS)
scanned result (# , Pl2, UTS)
Pl1(PL2) connecting conditin A temporary loose cut are applied to count connected tracks - Angle tolerance from CSD found angle < 40 mrad. - Position tolerance from prediction < 200 um ( each projections).
CS->Brick result # of UTS scanned prediction :: 44 Additional Gap = 160 um # of candidate /Prediction pl1 pl Coincidence pl1 & pl2 33 pl1(single) & pl2(single) 32 one of pl1 or pl2 9 Non 2 And 40 tracks were continue to Location procedure in Brick and passing through the Brick (demonstrated yesterday) !
CS->Brick result # of UTS scanned prediction :: 42 Additional gap =160 um # of candidate /Prediction pl1 pl Coincidence pl1 & pl2 26 pl1(single) & pl2(single) 24 one of pl1 or pl2 12 Non 4 Ready to location procedure. About 32 tracks
CS->Brick result # of UTS scanned prediction :: 30 Additional Gap =0 um; # of candidate /Prediction pl1 pl (include above) 10 8 Multi rate is high.., Remind you, this film was high fog density as 30/(10um)**3 (Chiara). This films are affected by “Safety right dose” by early stage. Already several tracks picked at most down stream were confirmed as passing in the Brick by plate changer system. Location is possible even such a case !
Summary CS Brick connection scanning was done for 3 BAM made Bricks. About 8 cm x 7 cm scanning on CSD gives about 40 real tracks for connection test to Brick. Then the connection residual is well small value a few 100 um shift deviation level of 100 um. in all 3 bricks Connection efficiency is high as 90 to 95% ( , ) will be carefully tested. We will investigate the reason of PL1 PL2 not found tracks. (Maybe they are low momentum tracks..) Remark :: Location can be done, event looks very Black film ( ) And this is really worst case and never in future..