1 MICE/AFE II t Update IIT Analog Front End (AFE) Test Stand AFE Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Terry Hart, Illinois Institute of Technology, February.


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Presentation transcript:

1 MICE/AFE II t Update IIT Analog Front End (AFE) Test Stand AFE Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Terry Hart, Illinois Institute of Technology, February 10, 2006

2 AFE II t Overview The D0 Central Fiber Tracker uses AFE I boards to collect digital hit pattern and charge amplitude information from input charge signals. AFE II boards were developed as prototypes for the D0 upgrade to AFE II t and have been used by MICE for the KEK test beam. A D0 upgrade of the AFE II boards is a modified chip which will provide timing information (AFE II t). MICE fiber trackers will use AFE II t boards for the data readout. - The MICE group will assist in the testing of the AFE II t boards. - An IIT test stand will be assembled soon. - Another RAL test stand will be set up in late March.

3 AFE II Test Stand at D0 Two AFE II boards installed in one of the two cassettes of the cryostat. Cryostat will be tilted by about 20° and temperature stability will be checked.

4 IIT AFE II t Test Stand IIT People: Dan Kaplan, Terry Hart, Bill Luebke, Dan Olive Key contributors: Paul Rubinov, Malcolm Ellis We have most of the hardware components at Fermilab and IIT. The IIT test stand will be set up at Fermilab. –Computer with diagnostic software –VME64 to PCI adapter with fiber optic cable We are expecting one of the 16 AFE II t pre-production boards soon.

5 IIT AFE II t Test Stand Bob Angstadt has installed driver for SBS 810 VME 64 to PCI adapter and diagnostic software on our computer. Single word and DMA block transfers work (See next slide.). We will also learn about –Further hardware tests with the IIT AFE II t test stand. –What AFE board tests we should do specifically for MICE.

6 VME Bus Analyzer Output of DMA Test Successful DMA transfer | TIME BUS ADDRESS DATA R/W SIZE STAT IRQ* IACK* AMEX | rel. LEVEL OC IO =>TRIG| 0 ns - C W WORD OK | 4.44 us - C W WORD OK | 3.40 us - C W WORD OK | 3.36 us - C W WORD OK | 3.48 us - C FFFF R WORD OK | 4.00 us - C FFFF R WORD OK | 3.96 us - C FFFF R WORD OK | 3.92 us - C FFFF R WORD OK | 3.96 us - C FFFF R WORD OK | 4.08 us - C W WORD OK | 3.40 us - C W WORD OK | 3.36 us - C W WORD OK | 3.36 us - C W WORD OK | 25.2 us B9D4FFFF R LONG OK B 1 14| 80 ns B9D4FFFF BLK LONG OK B 1 15| 80 ns B9D4FFFF BLK LONG OK B 1 Time:T Group:1,2,3 Disas:D Jump:J Search:S Extr:E Help:? Print:^P Quit:Q Ok. One long word (4 bytes) every 80 ns  47.4 MB/sec.

7 IIT Test Stand Anticipated Schedule D0 AFE II t production schedule + Next week: Receive 16 pre-production boards. + Feb. - March: Test pre-production boards during D0 data taking. + March - May: Debug and fix pre-production boards. + May - June: Full scale production of AFE II t boards. Learn about AFE II t boards by helping D0 with their test stand - now through next few months. Learn about FPGA programming and firmware necessary for MICE operation of AFE II t boards, and define requirement by mid Have working hardware (16 boards + spares) by Fall, 2006.

8 D0 AFE II t Test Stand

9 AFE II t CDR Preparation of a CDR of the AFE II t board is underway and an initial draft is being reviewed. The CDR will include MICE, ISIS, and AFE board introduction and motivation Block diagram and/or schematic drawing of the AFE boards Specific requirements for various data running modes Charge and time data Discriminator data Requirements for achieving data acquisition of as many as 600 muons/ms from current capability of 225 muons/ms. This may develop into a Technical Reference Document (TRD) for the AFE II t for MICE.

10 AFE II t Data Rates VME to PC data throughput should be fine for MICE - If MICE uses a data word format similar to that used for the KEK tests, each muon event with charge and time information will have about 65,280 bytes. - (600 muons/sec)  (65,280 bytes) = 37.3 MB/sec. This is achievable with the 47.4 MB/sec capability mentioned earlier. Full digitization of charges and times limit reconstruction rate to about 225 muons/spill. - Total digitization time for 32 channels on a TRIP-t chip is about 4.4  s or about 225 muons/sec. - If only discriminator information is used (Hit or no hit?), maximum instantaneous rate is about 7000 muons/sec. - MICE/AFE II t CDR discusses this in detail.

11 MICE/AFE II t Plans Prepare CDR and TRD. Set up IIT test stand to become part of the D0 AFE II t tests. Determine special MICE requirements and test AFE II t boards for these. Set up RAL test stand for tracker quality control.