All Shortest Paths Questions from exercises and exams
The Problem: G = (V, E, w) is a weighted directed graph. We want to find the shortest path between any pair of vertices in G. Example: find the distance between cities on a road map. Can you use already known algorithms?
From every vertex in the graph Run –Dijkstra: O(|V||E|log|V|) = O(|V| 3 log|V|) –Run Bellman-Ford: O(|V| 2 |E|) = O(|V| 4 ) Can we do better?
Dynamic Programming Dynamic Programming is a technique for solving problems “bottom-up”: first, solve small problems, and then use the solutions to solve larger problems. What kind of problems can Dynamic Programming solve efficiently?
Dynamic Programming Optimal substructure: The optimal solution contains optimal solutions to sub-problems. What other algorithms can suit this kind of problems? Greedy algorithms Overlapping sub-problems: the number of different sub-problems is small, and a recursive algorithm might solve the same sub-problem a few times.
All Shortest Paths How can we define the size of sub-problems for the all shortest paths problem? (two way) Suggestion 1: according to the maximal number of edges participating in the shortest path (what algorithm uses this idea?) Suggestion 2: according to the set of vertices participating in the shortest paths (Floyd- Warshall)
All Shortest Paths - Suggestion 1 The algorithm uses the |V|x|V| matrix representation of a graph The result matrix - cell (j,k) contains the weight of the shortest path between vertex j and vertex k. Initialization: paths with 0 edges. What actual values are used? d i,k = for i k, d i,i = 0 In iteration m, we find the shortest paths between all vertices with no more then m edges and keep them in the matrix D (m). How many iterations are needed?
All Shortest Paths - Suggestion 1 no circles with negative weights - |V| -1 iterations. In iteration m: –For every (v,u), find the minimum of: The current shortest path v ~> u (maximum m-1 edges) For every w in Adj(u): The shortest path with maximum m edges trough w, which is the shortest path v~>w with maximum m-1 edges, plus the edge (w,u).
All Shortest Paths - Suggestion 1 Time complexity: –|V| iterations –In each iteration: going over O(|V| 2) pairs of vertices in –For each pair (u,v): going over O(|V|) possible neighbors –Total: O(|V| 4 )
All Shortest Paths - Suggestion 1 Improvement: If we know the shortest paths up to m edges long between every pair of vertices, we can find the shortest paths up to 2m edges in one iteration: For (v,u) - the minimal path through vertex w is v~>w~>u, when v~>w and w~>u have at most m edges. Time complexity: O(|V| 3 log |V|)
All Shortest Paths - Suggestion 1 Can we use this method to solve single- source-shortest-paths? Yes - we can update only the row vector that matches the single source, by using the results of previous iterations and the weights matrix. Note that this version is similar to Bellman- Ford.
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm Intermediate vertices on path p = are all the vertices on p except the source v 1 and the destination v l. If we already know the all shortest paths whose intermediate vertices belong to the set {1,…,k-1}, how can we find all shortest paths with intermediate vertices {1,…,k}? Consider the shortest path p between (i, j), whose intermediate vertices belong to {1,…k}
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm If k is not an intermediate vertex in p, then p is the path found in the previous iteration. If k is in p, then we can write p as i~> k ~> j, where the intermediate vertices in i~> k and k~> j belong to {1,…,k-1}. The algorithm: –Initialize: D (0) =W –For k = 1…|V| For i = 1…|V| –For j = 1…|V| »d (k) i,j = min(d i,j (k-1), d ik (k-1) + d k,j (k-1) ) Time complexity: O(|V| 3 )
Johnson’s Algorithm We already wrote, debugged and developed emotional attachement to the Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford algorithms. How can we use them to efficiently find all-shortest-paths? Step 1: What should we do to successfully run Dijkstra if we are sure that there are no circles with negative weights?
Johnson’s Algorithm We can find a mapping from the graph’s weights to non-negative weights. The graph with the new weights must have the same shortest paths. Step 2: How can we be sure that there are no negative weighted circles? Simply run Bellman-Ford
Johnson’s Algorithm The algorithm: Add a dummy vertex, v, and an edge with weight 0 from v to every vertex in the graph. The modified graph has the same negative circles.
Johnson’s Algorithm Run Bellman-Ford from v to find negative circles, if any. Use the shortest paths from v to define non- negative weights: w’(s, t) = w(s,t) + h(s) - h(t) Is W’ non-negative? Yes, due to the fact that h(t) w(s,t) + h(s)
Johnson’s Algorithm Do shortest paths remain shortest? Let p be a shortest path between v 0 and v l, then w’(p) = w’(v i-1, v i ) = [w(v i-1, v i ) + h(v i-1 ) - h(v i )] = w(p) + h(v 0 ) - h(v l ) The term h(v 0 ) - h(v l ) is common to all paths between v 0 and v l, so the minimal w’(p) matches the minimal w(p)
Johnson’s Algorithm So - now we can use W’ to run Dijkstra from each vertex in G. Time complexity: O(VE + |V| 2 |E| log|V|) Good for sparse graphs
a) Define Spanning Tree and Minimal Spanning Tree. Spanning Tree: Given a graph G=(V,E), a spanning tree T of G is a connected graph T=(V,E’) with no cycles (same vertices, a subset of the edges). For example, this graph has three spanning trees: {(a,b);(a,c)}, {(a,b);(b,c)}, {(a,c);(b,c)} a bc
Minimal Spanning Tree (MST): Given a weighted graph G=(V,E, w), define the weight of a spanning tree T as. Then a minimal spanning tree T is a spanning tree with minimal weight, i.e. T satisfies: For example, this graph has two minimal spanning trees: {(a,b);(b,c)}, {(a,c);(b,c)} a bc 22 1
b) Either prove or disprove the following claim: In a weighted (connected) graph, if every edge has a different weight then G has exactly one MST. First notice that if the edge weights are not distinct, then the claim is incorrect, for example the previous graph. So, can we come up with a counter-example when weights are distinct ? (no, but thinking about it for a few minutes sometimes helps...)
A useful feature of spanning trees Claim: Suppose T 1 and T 2 are two spanning trees of G. Then for any edge e 1 in T 1 \T 2 there exists an edge e 2 in T 2 \T 1 such that is also a spanning tree. To see this, consider the following partition of G: GvGv GuGu vu v’v’ u’u’ e1 e2
A useful feature of spanning trees Proof: Suppose e 1 = (v,u). Denote by G v and G u the two connected components of G when removing e 1 from T 1. Examine the path from v to u in T 2 : there must be an edge e 2 =(v’,u’) in T 2 such that v’ is in G v and u’ is in G u. Let. T’ is connected and has no cycles, thus it is a spanning tree, as claimed. Take two vertices x and y in G. If both are in G v or in G u then there is exactly one path from x to y since G v and G u are connected with no cycles. If x is in G v and y is in G u then there is also exactly one path between them: from x to v’, then to u’, and then to y.
Claim: In a weighted (connected) graph, if every edge has a different weight, then G has exactly one MST. Proof: Suppose by contradiction that there are two MSTs, T 1 and T 2. Suppose also that the largest edge in T 1 \T 2 is larger than the largest edge in T 2 \T 1 (notice they can’t be equal). Let e 1 be the largest edge in T 1 \ T2. There is an edge e 2 in T 2 \T 1 such that is a spanning tree with weight: so T 1 is not an MST -> Contradiction. Back to the Question
Wrong proof for this claim A common (but wrong) argument from exams: “The Generic-MST algorithm always has a unique safe edge to add, thus it can create only one MST.” Why this is wrong? –There might be other ways to find an MST besides the Generic-MST algorithm. –It is not true that there is always one unique safe edge (!) For example, Prim and Kruskal might choose a different edge at the first step, although they are both Generic-MST variants
c) Write an algorithm that receives an undirected graph G=(V,E) and a sub-graph T=(V,E T ) and determines if T is a spanning tree of G (not necessarily minimal). What do we have to check? Cycles - run DFS on T and look for back edges Connectivity - if there are no cycles, it is enough to check that |E T |=|V|-1.
Question 2 a) Both in Dijkstra and in Prim we have a set of nodes S (that initially contains only s), and we add one additional node in each iteration. Prove or disprove that in both algorithms the nodes are added to S in the same order. The claim is not correct. A contradictory example: –Prim takes s,a,b,c –Dijkstra takes s,a,c,b s ab c 2 2 3
b) Consider a directed graph with positive weights. Give an algorithm that receives a node s and prints the shortest cycle that contains s. Suggestion 1: for every outgoing edge from s, (s, v), find the shortest path from v to s. Suggestion 2: Add a new node s’, and for every edge (s,v) add an edge (s’,v) with the same weight. Now find a shortest path from s’ to s. Question 2 - difficult
Question 3 An in-order tree walk can be implemented by finding the minimum element and then making n-1 calls to TREE-SUCCESSOR How many times at most do we pass through each edge?
Question 3 TREE-SUCCESSOR(x) if x.right==null y=x.parent while y!=null && x==y.right x=y y=y.parent else y=x.right while y.left!=null y=y.left return y going up (1) going up (2) going down (3) going down (4)
Question 3 Right edges: –A right edge n n.right is passed downwards only at (3), which happens when we call TREE-SUCCESSOR(n) –Since we call TREE-SUCCESSOR once for each node, we go down each right edge once, at most Left edges: –After we pass a left edge n n.left (at (1) or (2)), TREE- SUCCESSOR returns n –Since TREE-SUCCESSOR returns each node once, we go up each left edge once, at most Therefore, we pass each edge at most twice In-order walk takes O(n) steps
Question 4 You are in a square maze of n n cells and you’ve got loads of coins in your pocket. How do you get out? The maze is a graph where –Each cell is a node –Each passage between cells is an edge Solve the maze by running DFS until the exit is found
DFS-VISIT(u) u.color=gray u.d=++time for each v adj[u] if v.color=white v.prev=u DFS-VISIT(v) u.color=black u.f=++time DFS(G) for each u V[G] u.color=white u.prev=nil time=0 for each u V[G] if u.color=white DFS-VISIT(u) DFS - Reminder
Question 4 What does each color represent in the maze? –White - a cell without any coins –Gray - a cell with a coin lying with its head side up –Black -a cell with a coin lying with its tail side up An edge connecting a node to its parent is marked by a coin When visiting a cell, we color it gray If it has a white cell adjacent to it – visit it If there are no such cells, –Color the cell “black” by flipping the coin –backtrack by going to the cell marked as parent
Each node has one parent When backtracking, the parent will be the only adjacent “gray” cell that has a coin leading to it Can we solve it using BFS? No! In DFS we go between adjacent cells; in BFS, the nodes are in a queue, so the next cell could be anywhere Question 4