How to Kick-Off Your Career with a Job You Really Love! Five steps to a successful job search USF Marketing Club September 21, 2006
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting How to Kick-Off Your Career With a Job You Really Love! What fuels your passion and purpose? Can you afford to be thoughtful and choosy? How do you “Fight the Noise”? What did Steve Jobs Say??
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting What are your dreams??
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Five steps to a successful job search 1. Assessing your experience and packaging yourself 2. Researching targets and networking 3. Developing job search “tools” 4. Interviewing 5. Negotiating the offer/onboarding
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Packaging yourself Making the most of your education and experience Taking stock – don’t underestimate what you’ve done Take the time to make educated career choices Resumes, cover letters, portfolios
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Doing the Research Exploring career areas and options Using online and other resources Informational interviews, shadowing Think: smaller is better
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Networking Why it should be a “win-win” activity Forget finding a job on the internet Don’t underestimate who you know! Be thoughtful and considerate in your approach
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Interviewing Prepare, prepare, prepare Be ready for the tough questions Use specific examples – how can YOU help the employer? Follow-up – don’t forget!
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Negotiating the Offer & Onboarding Understand the total compensation package What happens the first 90 days; 6 months, year? Be picky!! Don’t eat alone Work is more than just showing up!
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting What’s in store for Marketing MBA Grads? Hiring for MBA grads up 14.5% from ’05 to ’06 (NACE) Demand for finance, acctg and marketing Increase in small, boutique firm hiring Job growth expected to continue through ‘08
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting A Case Study – Holly Goal: entry level Finance position Enter B School in 2-3 years + Recent UC grad; BA in Finance + Excellent GPA (3.8); solid work exp. - Resume did not stand out - Relying on internet job boards - “Didn’t know anyone”
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Holly’s Game Plan Reviewed work, education, volunteer and leadership roles revised resume + Researched Fortune 1000 companies ----developed tailored mail campaign Developed network/contact development plan Practiced interviewing and follow-up
RAL & Associates - Career Consulting Holly – The Result Multiple job offers in Finance/Treasury Has much better sense of what she has to offer and can “sell” herself Has developed critical networking skills Has a solid 90 day game plan for new job Has skills to manage her career