Vision Statement Our vision is to provide an environment in which students develop an appreciation of learning and perform to their fullest potential. Through an effective partnership with our school community, we will maintain high expectations of student performance. We will encourage academic excellence and good moral character with the expectation that all students will achieve the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) at all grade levels. We believe this will empower our students to become successful contributors to life in a culturally diverse society.
2010 – 2011 Accomplishments Continuation of the Middle School Sports and Afterschool Enrichment program with expanded offerings. Curriculum writing in the area of Vocational Awareness, Science, and Social Studies to address the updated NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. Participation in the Union County Curriculum Writing Project for Social Studies and Science. Awarded a second Safety and Security Grant to expand security measures within the school. Received a Star Energy rating on a recent NJ Clean Energy Program audit of our energy usage.
Goals for Continuation of the Afterschool Enrichment and Middle School Sports programs. Curriculum writing in the area of technology. Implementation of updated curriculum in the areas of Science and Social Studies.
Cost Saving Measures Participant in ACES (Alliance for Competitive Energy Services) program to save $$$ on utility costs. Participant in ACT (Alliance for Competitive Telecommunications) and E-Rate to save $$$ on telecommunications costs. Work with Union County Educational Services Commission to save $$$ on transportation costs. Partner in the Union County Curriculum Writing Committee for Science and Social Studies. Participant in the Union County Improvement Authority Solar Energy program.
TOTAL BUDGET $3,181,724
Allocation of Funds Salaries $1,718,242 High School Tuition ,330 Out of District Spec. Ed ,470 Insurance ,507 Transportation ,689 Student Services ,000 Utilities ,060 Textbooks/Supplies ,112
Allocation of Funds-Continued Administrative Misc ,524 Social Security/Pension ,000 Maintenance (non-salary) ,700 Middle School Sports/ Co-Curricular/Enrichment ,940 Misc. Instruction ,750 Technology ,400 Grand Total $3,181,724
Distribution of Expenses
Staff Positions 2 Administrators 1 Superintendent/Principal 1 Business Administrator 18 Teachers - 15 Full-time & 3 Part-time 1 Nurse 4 Child Study Team Members (All Part-time) 2 Aides (1 Full-time, 1 Part-time) 4 Custodial Staff - (1 Full-time, 3 Part-time) 1 Technology Technician (Part-time) 2 Secretaries
High School Tuition Kenilworth $268,830 (29 $9,270) Voc/Tech Schools 104,500 (17.5 $6,000) Minus Kenilworth Credit ($27,000) Total $346,330
Insurance Property $ 12,500 Unemployment 3,000 Workmen’s Comp. 17,300 Employee Health 312,000 Employee Contribution (21,293) to Health Premium Total Insurance $323,507
Administrative Miscellaneous Legal Audit Fees Legal Ads Election Costs Postage Administrative Dues Board Member Training Office Supplies Business/Attendance Software
Middle School Sports, Afterschool Enrichment & Co-Curricular Activities Coach Salaries $16,806 Referees/Sports Ins. 4,780 Transportation 4,000 Co-Curricular Salaries 3,954 Co-Curricular Supplies 900 Afterschool Enrichment Salaries 12,000 Supplies 500 Total $42,940
State Aid for State Aid $1,481,629 Extraordinary Aid 7,170 Total State Aid $1,488, State Aid $1,512,358 Extraordinary Aid 0,000 Total State Aid $1,512,358 Gain of $ 23,559
Projected Revenue State Aid$ 1,512,358 Interest 27,333 Federal Funding54,188 Local Tax Levy $ 1,438,845
Surplus Current Surplus $281,520 $56,500 from current surplus + $92,500 from current year unexpended funds will be applied to budget leaving a balance of $225,000 *State recommendation is $250,000
Ballot Budget Question “Resolved, that there should be raised for General Funds $1,438,845 for the ensuing FY school year.” Interpretation Increased cost per housing unit $40.47 per year
BUDGET HISTORY Increase - $ Increase - $ Decrease – ($71.73) Increase - $ 0.00 Including this year, the average of budget increases/decreases over the last 5 years is $2.54 per year
Examine the budget Ask questions Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and encourage them to vote. Vote on Wednesday, April 27 th 2-9 pm Community Center
“The greatest natural resource that any country can have is its children.” Danny Kaye