Classroom Management Source: Highly recommended for new teachers
The aim: Developing a success- oriented classroom No magic formula No quick menu Depends on students ’ belief that they can learn Following are actions that a teacher can take to affect positively this students ’ belief
Preparedness Good planning Persuade yourself the lesson is going to be interesting, exciting, resourceful and full of stimuli, … Be prepared Software Equipment Worksheets or notes
Preventive management Start well Avoid lateness Help students to concentrate on the coming lesson Establish procedures Distributing notes, collecting homework Establish routines: the appropriate classroom climate Know exactly what ’ s going on Keep up the pace
Supportive management Be positive and encouraging Warm and yet firm, friendly and yet in charge Respect students Be genuine Know pupil names Respond and give feedback to pupils
Dealing with behaviour problems Use nonverbal techniques to prevent potential problems Don ’ t make a big issue of a problem in class Take punitive measures appropriate to the misdeed Don ’ t punish the entire class for the misdeeds of a few Make your own behaviour consistent
Teachers ’ common say “ Our students are uninterested, uncooperative, or unable to learn ”
Motivation: the key issue Motives largely determine what students learn as well as what teachers want to teach Motives must also satisfy social and psychological needs Acceptance and recognition Mutual (students, teachers and school authority) understanding of values, ideals, goals and interests Emotional and intellectual security (for teachers, job/duty security)