Cheryl Whaley Hempland Primary School
It might be a long time since you have studied anything…. but it will come back to you.
You have 4 days (or equivalent) of tuition. Go to each one with lots of questions and ask the tutors and other SENCos. You have another 6 days which can be used to further your studies. I’m using mine for editing and proof reading essays. Accept that some of your holidays will need to be spent working – I lock myself in the dining room for a few days at a time. I stop at 5.30pm and have a glass of wine.
Read the examples on the website – they are great. Use your handbook – step by step instructions. Don’t be too rigid in your ideas – see where the reading leads you. It’s easier to make your situation fit to the reading that you are doing than hunting around for references. Ask trusted friends and colleagues to proof read. Use the referencing system in Word documents. –it will save you loads of time.
Pick something that is relevant to your school – makes it easier to say why you have chosen it. SIP and Data driven Upload your 1,000 words for positive feedback. Pupil/parent questionnaires are useful. Discuss with ED Psyc. Permission letter – ensuring confidentiality. Opt out option. Don’t worry if it goes wrong – it gives you more to write about!
Do 2 or 3 at a time. Feedback is very positive and encouraging. Start with the ones you are confident with. Use the handbook – it gives you lots of examples. Remember, it’s all about what you are doing. You shouldn’t have to do loads of extra things. Have the objectives in mind, then upload them as you go along. Make sure you give further examples in your commentary. Delete all pupils names.
Buy books: Transforming the Role of the SENCO – Hallett and Hallett and Special Educational Needs, Inclusion and Diversity – Frederickson and Cline Use Bath Spa Library online. Get a student card – it gets you discounts! Network with people who are doing the same course.