I A E V G International Conference WS 31/New Trends Making Transition Work Peter Härtel Styrian Economic Society Bern, September 2003
SAB-MTW2 Transition as a Challenge for School and Business Experiences and Perspectives
SAB-MTW3 Transnational COMENIUS – Network S A B Making Transition Work
SAB-MTW4 Thesis 1 Internationalization Informationalization Innovation are strong challenges for schools and the working world
SAB-MTW5 Thesis 2 The process of change in the educational systems is slower than in the working world and business
SAB-MTW6 Thesis 3 The risk of breaks and gaps at the interfaces between educational system and the working world is increasing Result: Youth unemployment
SAB-MTW7 Youth Unemployment in Europe Source: HDI/UNO 2003 In percentage
SAB-MTW8 Thesis 4 Youth employment is a need of the labour market need of economy and welfare but also a social need in general
SAB-MTW9 Thesis 5 In a world which is more international, more networked, more intercultural, career guidance is more effective, if it is also more international, more networked, more intercultural
SAB-MTW10 COMENIUS - Network School and Business – Making Transition Work approach : bringing together actors of different countries Collect and save the results of former and current European projects
SAB-MTW11 test the transferability of good practice examples in other countries start new reference activities for career guidance in a transnational view
SAB-MTW12 Coordinator Partners Members 12 SAB – MTW
SAB-MTW13 Examples of models and projects Spanish subnet cooperation school – municipality Polish subnet cooperation between Career Centres Gender approach in Austria early guidance for girls and young women
SAB-MTW14 Information about the Danish System Career guidance in Finland New apprenticeships in Great Britain Early education for entrepreneurship in Germany
SAB-MTW15 Common Guidelines for Success of Transition Early beginning Continuous processes Strengthen basic skills, reading, writing, speaking, calculating… Personal and professional competences Strengthen strengths – develop potentials
SAB-MTW16 Common Guidelines for Success of Transition Stimulate interests Early work experience Feeling of success and self confidence Team- and networking of various actors Life – entrepreneurship
SAB-MTW17 Invitation for membership Offers and benefits The only existing European-wide network of School & Business Finding new project partners Experience exchange: Finding new project ideas and examples for good practice All relevant information concerned with the topic at first sight
I A E V G International Conference WS 31/New Trends Making Transition Work Peter Härtel Styrian Economic Society Bern, September 2003