Consortium and Center Diversity: Our Differences, Our Strengths August 18, 2010 Julie Goldman, Director Southeastern Conference Academic Consortium Anneke.


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Presentation transcript:

Consortium and Center Diversity: Our Differences, Our Strengths August 18, 2010 Julie Goldman, Director Southeastern Conference Academic Consortium Anneke J. Larrance, Executive Director Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley Susan Palmer, Executive Director The Five Colleges of Ohio

FORMAT:Presentation with formal and informal opportunities for discussion. QUESTIONS:Please use the “raise your hand” or “chat box” functions. We will do our best to field questions at logical points in the session. PHONE:Please mute your phone to prevent unwanted feedback echoes, except when asking a question or sharing an observation. RECORDING:This session is being recorded. NOTES:Feel free to take notes on your screen. Be sure to save them when you end your session.

Objectives To share information about other consortia To encourage directors to better understand and compare to an aggregate model To add value to relationships with colleagues To provide a reference piece about a “typical” consortium Methods Google spreadsheets Pilot tested on ACL board members Sent to 118 on the listserv and received 28 responses (Some on the list are corporations; some consortia and centers have more than one person on the list)

 93% have a central office  60% office is located on a campus  More than half (56%) of the organizations housed on a member campus do not pay rent or overhead. 6.

 25% rent only  6% overhead only  6% both rent and overhead  56% none  7% did not report a response

Yes No Other % 18% 4%

Yes No Other % 36% 0%

Yes No Other % 32% 0%

Organization’s internal staff Staff from a member campus External Auditor or tax preparer Other % 25% 43% 21%

Organization’s internal staff Staff from a member campus External accounting firm Other % 32% 11% 0%

Yes No Other % 46% 0%

Yes No Other % 64% 0%

Yes No Other % 57% 4%

Yes No Other % 68% 4%

Yes No Other % 43% 0%

Yes No Other % 43% 0%

Yes No Other % 25% 0%

Yes No Other % 39% 0%

Membership Dues State Appropriations Grants/Contracts Contributions Other % 14% 43% 7% 4%

Overall Average = $2.5 M Average without $35M = $1.1M Average without $35M and $10M = $800K

INSTITUTION TYPEMEMBERSHIP SIZE  11% public only  36% private only  50 % both  3% other  36% 1-5 members  32% 6-10 members  18% members  7% members  0% members  7% members

CLASSIFICATION  68% do not have associate or affiliate members  Affiliate or primary  Affiliate member or international affiliate  Partner  Associate (out of state, for profit)

FULL-TIME EMPLOYEESPART-TIME EMPLOYEES  10% 0  25% 1  14% 2-3  11% 4-5  11% 6-7  11% 8-9  18% 10 or more  36% 0  14% 1  18% 2-3  14% 4-5  7% 6-10  11% more than 10

 64% organization  46% member campus

 86% medical insurance  82% sick leave  82% paid vacation leave  82% other insurance  79% retirement plans  50% tuition remission  46% take courses  46% use libraries  36% use of athletic centers  32% retirement health plans  7% other

Multi purpose 14 50% Single purpose 1 4% Educational center 4 14% Educational consortia % Other 1 4% People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

 75% professional and faculty development  54% cross registration/student exchange  54% library cooperation  46% joint academic courses/programs  46% joint purchasing  43% international programs  43% information technology  43% grants  36% graduate education

 32% public relations  32% emergency preparedness/planning  32% business and industry relations  29% community development  29% continuing education  29% risk management  25% economic development  25% articulation

 21% joint faculty/faculty exchange  21% access programs  21% sustainability  21% teacher education/licensure  21% government liaison  21% energy  21% K-16 partnerships

  Presidents 17 61%  Chief Academic Officers 5 18%  Chief Financial Officers 4 14%  Community Organization Leaders 2 7%  Business Leaders 4 14%  Other 10 36%  University Center representatives  Campus leaders  Marketing & Public Relations offices  Dean for Curriculum  Dean for Continuing Education The majority of board members serve two-year terms. 61% of board consist of 4-10 members. If officers are elected, board terms are usually between 1-3 years.

yes 5 18% no 22 79% Other 1 4%

  Chief Academic Officers Chief Financial Officers 10 36%  Chief Information and Technology Officers 7 25%  Human Resources Directors 5 18%  International Education Directors 5 18%  Registrars 4 14%  Sustainability Directors 3 11%  Community Development Directors 1 4%  64% have standing committees

  Board of directors 14 48%  Chair of the board 5 17%  Executive committee of board 3 10%  Other 8 28%  Most of us (72%) are hired (and fired) by the board of directors. 59% of us hire and fire out own staff.

 yes 23 79%  no 3 10% Over half of us are evaluated with a formal process, while one quarter of us have informal evaluations. Three-quarters of us have formal contracts or agreements lasting from 1-5 years.

Board of directors 5 17% Board chair 9 31% Executive committee of board 2 7% Other 13 45%.

Of those who answered this question, 10 indicated they consult with the chair of the board 2 consult with individual presidents Others consult with a variety of people including key board members, the organization’s president, administrative support, chiefs of staff for member presidents, the grants officers, the executive committee of the board, chair of the CFO committee, head of the HR advisory board, chief academic officer, the advisory board, internal staff, dean of the college and chair of the operating committee

  Organization staffs it own HR office 6 21%  Uses HR office of member campus 17 59%  Uses external HR firm 1 3%

FREQUENCY  10% weekly  20% quarterly  20% monthly  40% twice a year  10% annually  43% produce a newsletter  57% do not

DISTRIBUTION  0% general public  20% college communities  7% other consortial organizations  43% board members  17% committee members  13% organization employees  54% prepare a report  46% do not

 86% yes  14% no

HOSTWEBSITE HOST  25% organization  37.5% member campus  37.5% external vendor  14% the organization  64% member campus  18% external vendor (4% did not report a response)

Julie Goldman, Director Southeastern Conference Academic Consortium Anneke J. Larrance, Executive Director Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley Susan Palmer, Executive Director The Five Colleges of Ohio