John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Photon Systems Overview John Arthur.


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Presentation transcript:

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Photon Systems Overview John Arthur

Photon Systems April 7, 2005 LCLS Photon Systems Includes LCLS x-ray and laser groups X-ray Transport, Optics and Diagnostics (XTOD) managed by LLNL (Richard Bionta) X-ray Endstation Systems (XES) managed by SLAC (Stefan Moeller) LCLS Laser Systems managed by SLAC (TBD)

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Recent Developments affecting all X-ray Systems (and Conv. Facilities) Suggested Plan for Offset Mirrors in Front End Suggested Redesign of Far Experimental Hall These ideas are in the development stage, not yet official But they look very promising

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, mm offset SiC 1.5mrad Offset mirrors in the FEE FEL radiation reflected (>95%) Background from high harmonics and Bremsstrahlung not reflected Upstream of all LCLS experiments

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, m 11.6m GAS ATTEN SOLID ATTEN STOP COLLIM Mirrors STOP Proposed new layout of FEE 4 ft Fe 3 ft concrete 4 ft Fe

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Advantages of Offset Mirrors Keep high-energy radiation out of experiments Eliminate troublesome background Note: nearly all synchrotron beamlines use some offset Keep high-energy radiation farther away from experimenters Reduce shielding requirements, make hutches more easily accessible

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Redesign of FEH FEL beams Experimental hutches (7x8m) TOO SMALL Office and shop space (Vac., Mech.,Electr.)

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, x10 m 10x10 m 8x10 m Possible new FEH layout Wider main tunnel Reduced corridor space Large hutches Slightly higher cost

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XTOD Scope Transport the x-ray beam, in vacuum, to all the experimental stations Condition the x-ray beam, with attenuators and apertures Analyze the x-ray beam, with sophisticated diagnostics

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XTOD Optics Gas Attenuator Solid Attenuator Electron Beam Photon Beam Front End Enclosure NEH Flipper Mirror Diagnostics Direct Imagers Indirect Imager Total Energy Spectrometers Main Elements

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XTOD Staff-up complete for FY05 R. Bionta LLNL LCLS Project Leader D. McMahon XTOD Project Engineer J. McNamara Admin. M. Eberstein G. Otani Procurement Rodney Victorine Resource Manager Jolyn Scholes Resource Analyst R. Beale Hazards Control EE E. Ables ME P. Duffy M. Mckernan S. Shen J. Trent Comp K. Fong S. Lewis L. Ott Physics S. Friedrich S. Hau-Reige M. Pivovaroff D. Ryutov DNT R. London UC Davis H. Baldis Remainder of FY05 P3 labor "loosly" matrixed, i.e L. Li - thermal analysis, S. Bajt - multilayers, shops, finance…

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XTOD work flow will follow ISMS practices for each WBS element LCLS Physics Requirements WBS Dictionary Eng. Safety Notes Certified Parts Lists ICDs IWS (Integrated Work Sheet) is LLNL wide e-form for documenting ISMS for each work package: Scope Hazards Controls Roles (RI…) Responsibilities Training Signoff Designs Hardware Installation Operations Servicing ERDs

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Status of Selected XTOD Instrumentation WBSTitleNeedStatusFY05 Plans Indirect ImagerComissConceptSimulation, R&D Total E measurement ComissConceptProto & Sim

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Wide Field of View Direct Imager Photoelectrons Optic Camera Scintillators Concept Calculation

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Indirect Imager 1 m 101 mm Concept Calculation

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 R&D on High-Fluence Damage to Optics Experiment planned at TTF2 (DESY FEL) in early FY06 Expose various materials to GW-level soft x-ray pulses

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Sample cassette Experiment to test damage models at 40 eV

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 FY05 Goals Mechanical and Vacuum Cost estimate and Engineering Plan through NEH IWS's, ICD's, and ERD's Detailed plans / parts for prototype: Gas Attenuator, Control system tests, concepts for monitoring beam and attenuation Total Energy, 1 pixel Direct Imager, for 826 eV tests at SSRL Monte-Carlo simulations of FEE instruments Document in ERDs Apertures, Expected light levels, Reflectivity, …

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 FY05 Goals (cont.) Conceptual designs and sample optics for Indirect Imager Spectrometer Controls Cost estimate and Engineering Plan Prototype Controls Gas Attenuator Direct Imager TTF Damage Experiment Samples Fabricated and Documented

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XTOD Summary FY05 staffing plan implemented FY05 work plan begun Near term emphasis on Commissioning and FEE

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XES Scope The X-Ray Endstation Systems group provides the infrastructure required for experimenters to make best scientific use of the LCLS radiation safely

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 The Endstation Systems will provide: Personnel protection systems (PPS) Protect people from x-rays, lasers, etc. Network and computer support Cables, networks, servers, data storage Prototype detectors a suite of x-ray detectors for experiments Instrumentation for first Atomic Physics experiments Beamline controls Synchronized laser system Optics, chambers, sample handling, etc.

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 Recent Progress Solidification of scope of PIXEL project, clarification of XES instrumentation New group leader: Stefan Moeller Instituted user safety forum How to build in a safe working environment for LCLS users

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 PIXEL and XES A ~$50M project called Photon Instrumentation for X-ray Experiments at LCLS (PIXEL) has been proposed Will build 4 x-ray instruments for LCLS Instrumentation needs are becoming much more clear XES has decided not to build generic instrumentation but rather, LCLS will dedicate all project effort for experimental instrumentation to one area of science: Soft X-ray Atomic Physics (AMO)

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XES Status Reworking schedules to focus on AMO Preparing to staff up Commencing 2-d x-ray detector development program MOU in signing stage

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XES Plan for FY05 Hire AMO scientist and detector scientist Then hire controls engineer Start detailed design of AMO and detectors Commence 2-d detector project No long-lead procurement

John Arthur Photon Systems April 7, 2005 XES Summary Starting to staff up Responding to improved understanding of LCLS experiments Starting detector development program Coordinating with XTOD, conv. facilties, and PIXEL Coordinating with SLAC safety personnel regarding user safety