09 生醫奈米粒子 同材料奈米尺寸的粒子與較大尺寸 的粒子,其光學等物理性質相異
Gold nanoparticles The Lycurgus Cup dates from Roman times. The glass appears green in daylight (reflected light), but red when light is transmitted from the inside of the vessel.
their easily controllable-size distribution long-term stability and friendly biocompatibility with antibodies, antigen proteins, DNA and RNA Gold nanoparticles in assay
現行之 DNA 檢測技術中,以 PCR 為首之 檢測技術,以及螢光染色法與放射性標 誌等檢測方法。目前這些方法所能夠偵 測之最小值有限,而且敏感度更是受到 許多些微因素的影響。 [G. H. Keller, M. M. Manak and N.Y. Stockton, “DNA Probes” (1989). ] ssDNA-Au nanoparticles
1. Thaxton, C.S., Georganopoulou, D.G., Mirkin, C.A Clin. Chim. Acta, 363, Sato, K., Hosokawa, K., Maeda, M JACS, 125,
DNA 結合金奈米粒子之分析 (a) (b) 圖 12 以 TEM 觀測 DNA- 金奈米粒子分佈情形 (a) DNA(SH 1,SH2)/ 金奈米 粒子 (b) 加入 Linker 1 後呈現聚集 (assembly) 的狀態 穿遂式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 之分析
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Jishan Li, Xia Chu, Yali Liu, Jian-Hui Jiang, Zhimin He, Zhiwei Zhang, Guoli Shen and Ru-Qin Yu Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 19 e168
Antibody-Au nanoparticles 金奈米粒子的應用 : 驗孕片之原理 ( 免疫層析法 )
Li, Alastair W. Wark, Hye Jin Lee, and Robert M. Corn Anal. Chem.2006, 78,
Silver Enhancement
Colony Printing Salmonella 綠膿桿菌
複合奈米粒子 : 有趣的人造原子 陳東煌 成功大學化工系
(a) (b)
Negative control 100 fmol 10 fmol 1 fmol 100 amol 10 amol 1 amol 100 zmol 10 zmol 1 zmol (A) (B)