3.3 Graphics in the Media LEARNING GOAL Understand how to interpret the many types of more complex graphics that are commonly found in news media.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Multiple Bar Graphs and Line Charts A multiple bar graph is a simple extension of a regular bar graph: It has two or more sets of bars that allow comparison between two or more data sets. All the data sets must have the same categories so that they can be displayed on the same graph.
Figure 3.18 A multiple bar graph. Source: Wall Street Journal Almanac.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. A multiple line chart follows the same basic idea as a multiple bar chart, but shows the related data sets with lines rather than bars.
Figure 3.19 A multiple line chart. Source: New York Times.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Redraw this graph as a multiple line chart. Briefly discuss the trends shown on the graphs. Figure 3.20 A multiple bar graph of trends in home computing. Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Stack Plots Another way to show two or more related data sets simultaneously is with a stack plot, which shows different data sets in a vertical stack. Although data can be stacked in both bar charts and line charts, the latter are much more common.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.22 shows death rates (deaths per 100,000 people) for four diseases since Based on this graph, what was the death rate for cardiovascular disease in 1980? Discuss the general trends visible on this graph. Figure 3.22 A stack plot using stacked wedges. Sources: National Center for Health Statistics, American Cancer Society.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Geographical Data The energy use data in Table 3.3 are an example of geographical data, because the raw data correspond to different geographical locations. Figure 3.23 Geographical data can be displayed with a color-coded map.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. TIME OUT TO THINK What can you learn from the histogram in Figure 3.8 that you cannot learn easily from the geographical display in Figure 3.23? (Both are reproduced on the next slide.) What can you learn from the geographical display that you cannot learn from the histogram? Do you see any surprising geographical trends in Figure 3.23? Explain.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.23 Geographical data can be displayed with a color-coded map.
For data that vary continuously across geographical areas, a contour map is more convenient.
Three-Dimensional Graphics
Combination Graphics Figure 3.28 Women in the Olympics. Source: Adapted from the New York Times. Discuss 3 trends shown in Figure Which of the trends do you think are likely to continue?
3.4 A Few Cautions About Graphics LEARNING GOAL Critically evaluate graphics and identify common ways in which graphics can be misleading.
Perceptual Distortions The lengths of the bars represent the data but our eyes tend to focus on the area.
The heights of the TVs are the important measure but our eyes are drawn to the volume. Homes with Cable TV 18 million homes73 million homes
Both graphs show the same data but they look very different because of the vertical scale. Women as a Percentage of All College Students
Both graphs show the same data but the graph on the left has a vertical scale that is exponential.
Compare this graph with the graph on the next slide. This graph shows actual college costs and the next slide shows college costs as a percentage change.
Percentage change graph Notice the difference.
Pictographs The art work may make the graph more appealing, but it can also distract or mislead. The line of people is purely decorative. The time intervals on the horizontal axis are not the same in each case.